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From Paris with Love/ Из Парижа с любовью

Вельвет: When he donned a wig and a dress, John Travolta made our Lame in 2007 list for his work in Hairspray. But now he's taking a decidedly different look for his work -- baldness! Above is a peek at Travolta, from ExtraTV, on the set of his new movie -- From Paris with Love, which is shooting in (surprise, surprise) France. The film, co-written by Luc Besson and Adi Hasak, stars Travolta as an American spy, while Jonathan Rhys Meyers co-stars as an embassy employee. Travolta doesn't look too bad with a bald noggin, and now I've got visions of the actor teaming up with Bruce Willis for a baldie buddy cop film. But back to the film -- there's just as much drama off-screen as there is on. Earlier this month, production was postponed after arson attacks. The film was set to shoot in one of Paris' suburbs, but then 10 stunt cars were set on fire "during a night-time rampage." It looks like things are back on, and hopefully will continue safely. The film is set to hit theaters next year. http://www.cinematical.com/2008/10/28/john-travolta-loses-his-hair-for-paris/

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Вельвет: На кинопоиске выложили классные обоины из фильма http://www.kinopoisk.ru/level/12/film/427202/

Вельвет: Уже 18 февраля будет премьера фильма в России! Очень хочеться чтобы Мурь приехал

Вельвет: Ну что ж уже 4 февраля будет вот что и где Четверг, 04 февраля 5 звезд (Щелково) г. Щелково, пл. Ленина, 2а 12:00 15:50 19:30 21:25 23:20 5 звезд Бирюлево м. Царицыно Бирюлевская, 17 10:10 12:05 14:05 16:05 17:55 19:55 21:55 23:55 5 звезд на Новокузнецкой м. Новокузнецкая Ср.Овчинниковский пер., 8, «Аркадия» 12:50 18:35 22:35 5 звезд на Павелецкой м. Павелецкая Бахрушина, 25 10:10 14:05 18:00 19:55 23:50 Ролан м. Чистые пруды Чистопрудный б-р, 12а 16:30 18:20 20:10 22:05

Вельвет: Новый анлоязычный трейлер http://www.hollywood.com/video/interview/6554209/Exclusive_TV_Spot_From_Paris_With_Love

Вельвет: ВОт первые отзывы русские о фильме Морель натюрель * Jan. 23rd, 2010 at 12:35 AM Pretty "Из Парижа с любовью" Пьера Мореля - фильм за рамками: такой боевик-комедия, смешать, но не взбалтывать. Этот талантливый француз, открытый Люком Бессоном, в 2008-м поразил всех своей "Заложницей" - задав новый стандарт боевика, снимать хуже которого теперь уже просто неудобно. Новый фильм Мореля сделан по той же схеме - понятно, докрученной. Только, кажется, на этот раз парень фатально промахнулся с выбором, что докручивать. "Заложница" брала тем, что в ней Морель заигрывал со скользкой темой - про чернобровые народы, наводнившие европейский юг - но высказался по теме четко и конкретно: в лоб без обиняков. Герой там спасает дочь - и его праведное возмущение передается зрителю, так что по залу несется вздох удовлетворения, когда очередному албанцу втыкают в ноги гвозди. "Из Парижа с любовью" сделан всё с тем же националистическим уклоном - специально, вызывающе неполиткорректным (герои там пол-фильма убивают китайцев, а оставшееся время убивают пакистанцев). Но праведного гнева никакого нет - жертвы, конечно, террористы, но герой Траволты кажется не менее опасным для общества. Вообще, комедийный тон не идет Морелю: "Заложница" - и та была с ощутимо наигранной интригой, но выезжала за счет того, что вызывала в зрителе кипучую злость к "понаехавшим" бандитам. "Из Парижа с любовью" целиком выглядит тупой и картонной стрелялкой-убивалкой - серьезно относиться к происходящему на экране невозможно. Экшен, конечно, на высоком уровне. Вернувшийся Траволта (играющий сам себя из фильма Доминика Сены "Пароль "Рыба-меч" - но одетый байкером) жжет напалмом: ему бы давно открыть для себя отрицательные роли - и слава его была бы куда более зычной. Джонатан Рис Майерс (обаятельный подлец из "Матч-Поинта" Вуди Аллена) пытается играть, но ему постоянно мешает адский грохот выстрелов и взрывов в кадре. Траволта брутальным карлсоном носится по Парижу, расстреливая китайских гангстеров, избивая гопников и нюхая кокс на Эйфелевой башне. Минусов два: 1) Экшен у Мореля бешеный, но довольно сумбурный: мало общих планов и эффектных кадров - все слишком крупно и быстро, не успеваешь получить визионерский кайф. 2) Штампы заели: если брутальный герой, он обязательно должен любить что-нибудь милое - это всем кажется забавным. Герой Траволты любит сентиментальную песенку и французские чизбургеры. В целом кино на раз: одобрительно хмыкнуть на крутой экшен и выходки Траволты да посмеяться над шутками. Все равно что энергетик с похмелья: кайф пока пьешь, но потом сразу забываешь. http://rimeyer.livejournal.com/173253.html

Вельвет: Новый Пьер Морель, «Из Парижа с любовью», довольно дикий — даже не знаю, больше в хорошем смысле или плохом. Джонатан Рис-Майерс играет офранцузившегося клерка из американского посольства, мечтающего работать в ЦРУ, Траволта — оперативника-беспредельщика, который его инициирует. Как и в выдающейся морелевской «Заложнице» упор сделан на работу с национальными меньшинствами: Траволта сперва убивает много китайцев, потом принимается за пакистанцев, притом никакой извиняющей мотивации (типа дочку спасти, как в «Заложнице») у него нет: мочит, и все. Поскольку весь этот геноцид в какой-то момент надо обосновать, в конце происходит сюжетный твист, удивительный не столько своей неожиданностью, сколько тем, что тупо нарушает правила жанра. Бессону (который, как обычно, автор сюжета) вообще свойственно не замечать, когда его цинизм перестает быть обаятельным, и вот тут минут за 15 до финала оба героя становятся так неприятны, что уже неважно, насколько они хорошо стреляют. Как боевик, впрочем, сделано почти безупречно: есть шутка про «рояль с сыром» (наконец кому-то хватило наглости), плюс в качестве привета гонконгским коллегам в конце выясняется, что любимая песня Траволты — «Close to You» (сомневаюсь, впрочем, чтоб коллег это умилило после пятидесяти мертвых соотечественников в первом акте). А поскольку в новой экономической реальности Голливуд обеспокоен в первую очередь соотношением цены и качества (собственно, вся американская карьера Бекмамбетова стоит на том, что он за 60 миллионов берется делать то, на что Брайану Сингеру надо двести), понятно, почему Мореля сейчас и «Дюну» зовут снимать, и все на свете. http://www.afisha.ru/blogcomments/6063/

Вельвет: А вот на радио Энерджи можно выиграть билеты на премьеру 4 февраля 2010 года при поддержке радиостанции DFM » выходит в широкий прокат кинотеатров страны новый фильм Люка Бессона «Из Парижа с любовью»! Самых активных слушателей, дозвонившихся в эфир радиостанции DFM, ждут пригласительные в кино! Сюжет кинофильма «Из Парижа с любовью» закручивается вокруг главных героев – молодого сотрудника разведки и работника посольства США Ричарда и американского секретного агента Чарли. Их судьбам суждено пересечься, чтобы остановить террористов в Париже. Перед зрителями развернётся взаимодействие двух разведчиков - один прошёл огонь и воду, а другой честно трудился в кабинете. Продюсер и автор сценария - Люк Бессон, что обещает зрителям динамичный боевик. В ролях: Джон Траволта, Джонатан Рис-Майерс, Касия Смутняк, Эмбер Роуз Рева, Мелисса Марс, Ричард Дерден, Фарид Элуарди, Чемс Дамани, Фредерик Чау, Дэвид Кларк. Слушай DFM и не пропусти премьеру «Из Парижа с любовью»! http://profm.ru/news/6535


Вельвет: ОТрывок из фильма http://www.kino-govno.com/comments/25069

Вельвет: Итак вот ещё новые отрывки из фильма

Вельвет: Both stars have been around for a long time and given us a lot of movies we love; in 1994, they finally came together, resulting in the instant classic “Pulp Fiction.” Now, John Travolta and Bruce Willis are teaming once again for the new action movie “From Paris With Love” – the only difference is that, this time around, Bruce probably isn’t aware of it. “John is great, because he likes playing with his image,” Pierre Morel, director of "From Paris," "Taken" and the upcoming "Dune" adaptation explained to us recently. “He likes doing different characters every time.” Following in the tradition of his long hair in “Pulp Fiction,” his weird chin landing-strip in “Swordfish” and his gender switching in “Hairspray,” Travolta decided to give himself another extreme makeover: Going bald and wearing a goatee for “Paris.” According to Morel, the look was a tribute to the fellow A-lister he channels in his performance. “It’s kind of like John Travolta doing Bruce Willis - I shouldn’t say that I guess, but that’s the way it is,” Morel said. “He’s playing a badass.” “The basic plot is that it’s the story of a young rookie that works for the American embassy in Paris. He’s a wannabe spy, a wannabe agent, but he never gets to go on any specific big missions,” the filmmaker said of the role played by Jonathan Rhys-Meyers. “All of a sudden, he’s thrown into a mission with a rugged badass, played by John Travolta - who is actually a field agent, but he’s a big cowboy type… it’s a buddy movie, an action comedy.” When the film hits theaters on February 5th, don’t be surprised if Travolta’s FBI agent Charlie Wax feels a bit like John McClane, Hartigan from “Sin City," Joe Hallenbeck from “The Last Boy Scout” and who knows how many other Willis creations. “Right away, when I started thinking about that character, I talked with John and said, ‘We need to find a look that goes really well with what you’re playing,’” Morel said. “Having him with that shaved head and the goatee beard was part of building that character bigger than what it’s supposed to be. It’s larger-than-life. It’s over-the-top. It’s too much.” “Imagine Travolta playing a larger-than-life Bruce Willis,” explained Morel, who next hopes to tackle a high-profile “Dune” adaptation. “We had to make his look accordingly, so that’s what it is.” http://moviesblog.mtv.com/2010/01/26/john-travolta-channels-bruce-willis-for-his-role-in-from-paris-with-love/

Вельвет: So Jonathan Rhys Myers is on the phone, and we’re about to chat up his favorite Paris places re: his new movie, From Paris With Love. And he goes off on this tear. “Do you get, like, a LOT of James Bond jokes, ‘Roger Moore, not THE Roger Moore? Has it been going on your whole life? Because, really.” (He laughs. ) “You know, where I come from (Dublin native, now a Londoner), somebody asks you to take a call from ‘Roger Moore,’ well I’m taking that call! God! “And now, what you do for a living, how many times a week does some stupid Brit or Irish actor go off on your name? And how funny it is? I can’t help it! It must get old, right? ” No, actually. He and Michael Caine are chums and he always laughs when I call. And Sir Roger’s a swell cat. Steve Coogan has a man-crush on Sir Roger M, which we got to explore. And as far as Irishmen going nuts about the name? Colin Farrell was MUCH worse. “I don’t doubt that for a minute, mate!” http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/entertainment_movies_blog/2010/01/jonathan-rhys-myers-cant-shake-the-name-mine.html

Вельвет: MediaPro Distribution prezintă Din Paris, cu dragoste, un thriller exploziv, din care nu lipsesc replicile inteligente şi pline de umor. Cu John Travolta şi Jonathan Rhys Meyers în rolurile principale, Din Paris, cu dragoste va avea premiera din 5 februarie, în cinematografele: Hollywood Multiplex, Movieplex, Starplex, Cityplex (Bucureşti şi Constanţa), Lotus (Oradea) şi Odeon Cineplex (Cluj). Asistentul personal al Ambasadorului SUA în Franţa, James Reece (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), duce o viaţă de invidiat la Paris. Cu o superbă franţuzoaică pe post de iubită, adevărata lui pasiune rămâne jobul său de începător din cadrul CIA-ului. Tot ce îşi doreşte acum James este să ajungă un agent în toată regula şi să aibă parte de cât mai multă acţiune şi adrenalină. Aşa că în momentul în care i se oferă posibilitatea de a avansa în cadrul CIA-ului, nu-i vine să creadă ce noroc a dat peste el. Totul până în momentul în care îl cunoaşte pe noul său partener, agentul special Charlie Wax (John Travolta). Iată, mai jos, un interviu simultan, cu John Travolta şi Jonathan Rhys Meyers, în exclusivitate în România! Cum a fost experienţa de a lucra împreună? JRM: Nimeni nu şi-a dat seama cum ne vom potrivi pe ecran, până în momentul în care am început să filmăm efectiv. Atunci a început cu adevărat interacţiunea noastră. John este un om foarte cald, deschis şi generos, iar eu am simţit de la început că este un partener de film cu care mă pot simţi în largul meu. JT: Eu şi Jonathan avem abordări similare ale rolurilor, o facem într-un mod cât mai natural şi păstrăm adrenalina la cote maxime în toate scenele. Atunci când se întâmplă să nu reuşim asta, ne bazăm unul pe celălalt pentru a crea efectul dorit. Simplul fapt că avem acest sentiment reciproc de încredere şi că ne simţim în largul nostru lucrând împreună face totul posibil. Şi nimeni nu ştie rezultatul final până nu ne vedem pe ecran. Se poate întâmpla ca noi să ne distrăm de minune, dar important este ca spectatorii să simtă că ne potrivim perfect. Eraţi familiarizaţi cu proiectele pe care le-a avut fiecare dintre voi în portofoliu? JT: Eu ştiam foarte bine ce roluri a avut Jonathan până la DIN PARIS, CU DRAGOSTE, datorită minunatei poziţii în care mă aflu: în momentul în care sunt abordat pentru un proiect, mi se prezintă imediat şi sugestiile de parteneri. Pentru DIN PARIS, CU DRAGOSTE, Jonathan era prima sugestie şi chiar m-am bucurat, mi se pare un actor excelent. Cred că, din generaţia tânără de actori, el este cel mai înzestrat, pentru că poate aborda absolut orice rol. Toate interpretările sale îi demonstrează versatilitatea, sunt diferite, clasice şi credibile, în opinia mea Jonathan are un viitor foarte frumos în faţă lui. Dar cred că deja v-aţi convins şi voi de asta. JRM: Îmi plac multe dintre filmele lui John. Pulp Fiction este cu siguranţă o piatră de temelie pentru un nou gen, el a schimbat modul în care sunt privite filmele de acţiune. Eu am crescut în Irlanda, unde nu aveam video recorder sau DVD şi atunci când a apărut Grease la televizor, atât eu cât şi familia mea, eram înnebuniţi să-l vedem. Recunosc că am fost gelos pe John pentru că era cu Sandy. Febra de sâmbătă seară este, de asemenea, un film de excepţie. Ador muzica, stilul vestimentar al perioadei şi dansurile. Face Off a fost genial şi John a făcut un rol pe măsură, a intrat perfect în pielea lui Nic Cage. Mi se pare foarte dificil un astfel de rol, tocmai pentru că nu ai fizicului celuilalt sau limbajul lui non-verbal. JT: Aici are dreptate, eram foarte diferiţi. Sigur că au existat mici trucuri cu care am păcălit camera. Oricum şi Jonathan are prestaţii comparabile, cum ar fi cea din Match Point. Sincer, nu văd ce ar fi putut vreodată îmbunătăţi interpretarea lui ... mi s-a părut uimitor. Toată lumea este de acord cu faptul că face roluri senzaţionale. Cum aţi descrie personajul celuilalt? JT: Vrei să fii primul? JRM: Da, sigur. Charlie Wax este nebun de legat. E un tip nepotrivit pentru o femeie normală din aproape orice punct de vedere. Lui îi place să tragă câteva gloanţe şi abia după aceea să pună întrebări, de cele mai multe ori la morgă. Face multe victime până la finalul filmului, iar eu trebuie mereu să mă strecor printre bălţile de sânge. În acelaşi timp, se poate observa că Reese îi stimulează lui Charlie instinctele paterne, ceea ce este foarte ciudat, se poartă ca şi cum ar fi mentorul său. Wax este foarte amuzat de fiecare dată când reuşeşte să-şi şocheze tânărul partener, prin comportamentul său violent. Însă pentru el a devenit atât de eficient să omoare oameni, încât nu ştie să trăiască în afară situaţiilor periculoase. Se simte ca un balerin pe scenă şi nu este genul care să stea în cămaşă şi cravată la un birou. Poate, din cauza aceasta, rezultă şi stilul de viaţă pe care îl are, fără familie sau o femeie iubită lângă el, tot timpul în bătaia pistolului, pentru că nu ştie şi nu îşi doreşte altceva. JT: Foarte mult şi nu ştiu exact cum să fac o caracterizare la fel de bună ca a lui Reese, dar trebuie să încerc. Hai să vedem. Reese este opusul lui Charlie, dar are potenţialul necesar pentru a deveni la fel de bun din anumite puncte de vedere. Şi treaba mea este să îl transform puţin, aşa cum veţi putea vedea în finalul filmului. JRM: Cel puţin, noi aşa sperăm! JT: Dar în acelaşi timp avem de a face cu un gentleman perfect educat. Reese este întotdeauna la patru ace, inteligent, vorbeşte mai multe limbi străine şi, în principiu, are toate calităţile care îi lipsesc lui Charlie. Este elegant, sofisticat şi atent, dar cea mai mare slăbiciune a sa o reprezintă sentimentalismul. Se îndrăgosteşte nebuneşte, orb şi cu toată inima. Este atât de naiv şi sincer în dragoste încât, pentru partenerul său, Reese este un mare risc. Şi este supravegheat atent de către acesta. În adâncul sufletului, Charlie probabil îşi doreşte să fie mai uman, să semene puţin cu el. Reese este personajul romantic, inima filmului şi trebuie să facă faţă şi acestei laturi a personalităţii lui Wax. Şi tot la capitolul personalitate, el trebuie să înveţe să îşi stăpânească instinctele, pentru că în el zace un ucigaş la fel de bun ca Wax. Rolul meu este să îl scot la suprafaţă. Pentru dragoste, Reese este capabil să acţioneze exact ca mine, deşi este un tip raţional care întotdeauna are o motivaţie bună pentru a iubi, pentru a ucide şi în general pentru orice face. Nu îi place să cadă în imoralitate. Este foarte clar că îşi doreşte să ştie tot timpul ce se întâmplă, de ce facem anumite lucruri. Eu îmi justific violenţa prin eficienţă, pe când el are o părere groaznică despre asta. În ciuda acestei atitudini, Reese poate totuşi să gestioneze situaţiile dificile pe care le întâlnesc amândoi, deşi trezirea la realitate este foarte dură pentru el. Charlie îi deschide ochii şi îl duce într-o călătorie de care, cu siguranţă, nu a avut parte până acum. JRM: A fost foarte la obiect! JT: Aşa ţi se pare? JRM: Ai exersat mult? JT: Nu. JRM: Eu da! Am exersat mult răspunsul pentru întrebarea asta. http://www.cinemagia.ro/stiri/interviu-john-travolta-si-jonathan-rhys-meyers-in-exclusivitate-in-14598/ Кто-нить румынский знает?

Вельвет: Ещё один отрывок из фильма http://www.kino-govno.com/comments/25074

Вельвет: Сегодня в Нью-Йорке покажут фильм http://www.gofobo.com/screenings/from_paris_with_love/367597?promo_code=BRITS3Z

Вельвет: Рецензия на фильм With terrorist attacks, drug busts, romance and gun battles, the new movie from Lionsgate, “From Paris With Love,” has it all. This 90- minute movie will have you at the edge of your seat, and will suck you into the secret life of a CIA agent. Directed by Pierre Morel, known for directing 2008’s box office hit, “Taken,” “From Paris With Love” presents a different twist to elements of an ordinary action thriller, and is definitely worth seeing. Jonathan Rhys Meyers, known for his role as King Henry VIII in “The Tudors,” is the handsome, debonair James Reese. With Carolina, his stunning French live-in girlfriend, played by newcomer Kasia Smutniak, Reese has an enviable life that most would kill for. However, Reese is not your average Joe. Living a double life, as the personal aide to the U.S. Ambassador in France, as well as a low-level operative for the CIA, Reese’s true passion is to become a bona fide agent and actually witness some real action. With his conservative, responsible nature, Reese finally gets his big break when he is offered his first senior-level assignment with a new partner. Enter John Travolta. Academy Award Nominee and Golden Globe Award winner, John Travolta, is crazy Charlie Wax, Reese’s new assigned partner. Wax is a sharp-tongued, loose cannon who is eccentric and dedicated when it comes to his work. His trigger-happy attitude and no-mercy motto sometimes leaves him teetering along the boarder between good and evil. Fortunately, he tends to always be one step ahead of his enemy, and his superhero persona gives the impression that he is invincible. Complex as he may be, Wax’s witty remarks and clever one-liners add comedic relief to many of the suspenseful action scenes. Apparently destined to save the day, despite his preference for resolving any problem with the most outrageous and violent response possible, there is never a dull moment when you’re around Wax, leaving Reese praying just to finish the mission alive. With the fine acting skills of Rhys Meyers and Travolta, they were able to create a believable, on-screen partnership that adds camaraderie to the film. Their distinct, opposite personalities complimented each other nicely, and influenced an overall comedic touch to the movie. Travolta’s foul mouth, over-the-top performance is perhaps the reason why the movie is rated R. It is a far cry from his role in “Hairspray,” and it is imaginable that many viewers will be shocked to see him in such a diverse role. While some may argue that it is just another buddy cop flick, such as “Rush Hour” or “Bad Boys,” this film adds an organic appeal to Reese and Wax’s mission. With any movie, there is always room for criticism. To be honest, at times it was slightly difficult to distinguish who was shooting at whom. In addition, although the fighting scenes were not extremely gory, they could have been less frequent. It seemed like every other scene was another gun battle with Wax as the center of attention. At times Reese was overshadowed by Wax’s outrageous behavior. There was also a noticeable pattern with the use of suspenseful music. Often times, the music was used to gain the viewer’s complete attention but eventually led to nothing. The amount of different places where the scenes took place, and various faces of the enemies also made the movie somewhat hard to follow. Think of each scene as a puzzle piece, with the audience not understanding the full picture until the very end. All in all, “From Paris With Love” was a thrill to see, and did it’s purpose to keep the audience entertained. In fact, I have no trouble recommending the movie and would actually like to see it again when it hits theaters on Feb. 5. http://sundial.csun.edu/2010/01/lots-of-love-for-paris/

Вельвет: Видео с Премьеры

Вельвет: Over the past decade and a half, Irish actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers has played - in no particular order - a women's soccer coach, a sociopathic tennis pro, Elvis Presley, a selfless journalist, Michael Collins' assassin, a Bowie-esque glam rocker, a murderous Shakespearean cad and a certain multiply-married Tudor king. Images Jonathan Rhys Meyers plays a U.S. Embassy worker who's sw...John Travolta (right) is a wild veteran agent who ends up... View Larger Images In the forthcoming spy thriller "From Paris With Love," he's something altogether different: innocent. "I think it was fun to play, and certainly it would be fun for people to watch," he says of the role, a wonkish U.S. Embassy worker who's swept into an anti-terrorism case with a berserk veteran agent played by a very bald, very nervy John Travolta. Rhys Meyers' character "is a naive guy - most of what he knows about spies he read in books. He's just a gofer at the embassy, and as the film progresses, he starts to become what he needs to be." "From Paris With Love" was produced by Luc Besson and directed by Pierre Morel, the same frenzied French action merchants behind "District 13" and "Taken." What Rhys Meyers' character "needs to be," therefore, is in a hurry and handy with guns. He also spends a lot of screen time hugging a large porcelain vase. ("We had our moments, but I didn't take it on a date or anything.") The whole film moves quickly, kills with abandon and pauses for several well-placed quips, among them a chewy allusion to Travolta's "Royale with cheese" bit from "Pulp Fiction." "You have to do it with a wink and a nod. You can't take this sort of thing too seriously," Rhys Meyers says. "If it gets anywhere near too serious, you can't make that type of a movie. The whole point of it was, how much fun can we make it? And John wanted to do (his part) as a character homage to '80s badass action guys. That's the movie we set out to make. We didn't set out to make 'The Hurt Locker' or anything like that." Rhys Meyers is on the phone from his London flat, a Chihuahua-pug mix barking in the background. ("He's really little, but the bark is enormous.") The actor talks in a pleasant zoom of words, touching on his love of the guitar ("I play for my own personal pleasure, nothing more"), Morel's approach to filming ("He's fearless, physically fearless; this guy's a bit of a daredevil") and the death of Travolta's son after shooting wrapped ("I can't imagine"). The topic of his Wikipedia page comes up, a compendium of gossipy factoids that range from a heart problem in infancy to variously reported rehab stints over the past few years. Would he like to comment on any of this stuff? No. Does he ever pay any attention to it? No. "I'd rather not know," he says plainly. So would he like to ditch the subject entirely? Yes. End of topic. But when it comes to his gifts and constraints as a movie star, Rhys Meyers is perfectly willing to talk. Most of the time, he says, he's a natural choice for darker roles. "I think a lot of it comes from your physicality, what your physicality allows you to portray," he says. After discussing Gary Oldman, Dirk Bogarde and Montgomery Clift, he gets specific about his own appearance. "I've got a very kind of bony face, and I've got big lips, and sometimes I can look kind of snarling ... kind of Heathcliff-y." Aside from that touch of Brontë animalism, he admits that he's also quite good at accents. Travolta was on hand to help this time, but he suspects the Irish generally have an easier time with American inflections - and he thinks his knack for regional dialects is just a function of his musical ear. Without thinking, he says, he'll often mimic someone else's speech. "People think that you're making fun of them," he says with a laugh. "Especially, I cannot be around South Africans without taking on the South African accent. It's not a good idea." {sbox} Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/01/29/PKL91BLI4F.DTL#ixzz0e8OCinTV

Вельвет: Bottom Line: Travolta has/is a blast in an action-thriller-comedy that otherwise comes up short on all three counts. John Travolta lets entertainingly loose as a bald-headed, goateed, gonzo CIA agent with a short fuse in Pierre Morel's "From Paris With Love," an otherwise unsightly heap of nonsense that keeps tripping over its own swagger. It certainly won't be taken for "Taken," the hit Morel guilty pleasure released a year ago in North America during Super Bowl weekend that effectively reset Liam Neeson in the image of a take-no-prisoners action movie hero. Although Neeson and Travolta share the same fundamental likability and decency that allows them to take audiences along on uncharacteristic journeys, the former's film had a sturdy emotional underpinning provided by his daughter's kidnapping. In the absence of a similar involving element here, it's unlikely viewers will show the love this time around, especially with an oddball title that does doesn't exactly sell the hard-hitting goods. Penned by Adi Hasak from a story by Luc Besson, the film takes a long time to click into gear, with an initial focus on Jonathan Rhys Meyers' character, an upright, uptight personal aide to France's U.S. ambassador (Richard Durden). Although his James Reese would seem to have it all -- a cool job in Paris with a beautiful French girlfriend (Kasia Smutniak) -- he really aspires to being a bona fide CIA agent. He's taught a lesson in being careful what one wishes for when he's paired with Travolta's loose-cannon Charlie Wax on an explosive tour of duty through the city's meaner streets. That, at least, is the film's intention, but the decent distractions prove few and far between that slow setup and a weak payoff. A lack of give-and-take chemistry between Travolta, in by far the showier role, and Meyers creates a further strain on the stop/start proceedings. While sporting a swell American accent, Meyers' uneasy character all but retreats into the background alongside Travolta's bad-boy strut. Combining postcard gloss with backstreet grit, the anticipated action sequences -- if short of pulse-pounding -- efficiently get the job done with reliable assist from DP Michel Abramowicz and editor Frederic Thoraval, who both worked on "Taken." Opens: Friday, Feb. 5 (Lionsgate) Production: EuropaCorp, M6 Films, Grive Prods., Apipoulai Prods. Cast: John Travolta, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Kasia Smutniak, Richard Durden Director: Pierre Morel Screenwriter: Adi Hasak Executive producer: Virginie Besson-Silla Producer: India Osborne Director of photography: Michel Abramowicz Production designer: Jacques Bufnoir Music: David Buckley Costume designers: Olivier Beriot, Corinne Bruand Editor: Frederic Thoraval Rated R, 95 minutes http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/hr/film-reviews/from-paris-with-love-film-review-1004063529.story

Вельвет: From Paris With Love MY Rating: 8.5 of 10 stars (based on an advance preview of the 92-minute film being released 2-5-10). A twisted mini “BOURNE Connivery” with HUMOR!… … With all the real-life BUMBLING that’s been going on recently with the Department of Homeland Security & the like, there may be some elements of this film that’ll come across as somewhat HARD-to-believe or “accept”… In any case: … John Travolta is an FBI agent named Charlie Wax who’s been sent to Paris, France, to try to halt a reported assault being planned by radicals. (Shouldn’t it be a CIA person who’s there, since it’s in a country other than the U.S.?! Oh well— facts aren’t “big” with our recent governments…). John is high-ranking, and a shoot-from-the-LIP type who likes doing things “HIS” way, conventions be damned… … The U.S. Ambassador named Bennington (Richard Durden) mainly deals in diplomatic & social issues on an everyday basis. But, also in the Embassy are some Intelligence Officers, including a low-level operative named James Reece (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) who plays chess with Bennington & reluctantly becomes John’s PARTNER in his investigation work… … Biker-looking Travolta (both bearded & bald) is so inherently insulting & boorish to those around him, Rhys is almost constantly in a state of trauma at trying to find ways to “extricate” them from his frequent faux pas. Even more of a shock is the way Travolta is often a non-stop KILLING machine, mowing down drug dealers & their henchman (often on what seem like “hunches”) as they set about trying to uncover and stop a possible TERRORIST plot… … The movie rumbles thru one impressive ACTION-packed episode after another, led by Travolta with Rhys “tagging along” & trying to be “useful”… Rhys keeps being called by his girlfriend Caroline (Kasia Smutniak), who knows in GENERAL what he does, but who’s told he can’t discuss “details” of what’s going on incident-by-incident… … Travolta’s breezy dialogue and attitude is often quite FUNNY, & Rhys does well as the “follower” guy who’s both amazed & “learning” as they go around Paris… There are, naturally, a bunch of “BAD” guys, from ones in a Chinese restaurant, to Arabic drug dealers & conspirators such as Le barbu — The Bearded man – (played by Farid Elouardi), Rasheed (Chems Dahmani), etc… … It turns out there’s a sort of “DOUBLE-agent” involved in everything. I personally got that feeling early in the film, & correctly guessed WHO it was & a “device” connection between them & one of the principal stars— but it may come as a SURPRISE to most of the viewers… … Will the main Americans eventually find the LEADERS of the trouble-making groups?… Will they be able to PREVENT whatever plot is being planned, &, if so, HOW will it be done?… … The film turned out to have a bunch of “snappy” patter & actions from Travolta (who does a fine job), some typically fine CAR CHASE scenes by very talented drivers, loads of energetic combat, & the film was a surprisingly jolting bundle of FUN overall (tho I wish it was longer!)… … It might be a good idea to start considering a SEQUEL for the 2 male leads, since the characters are memorable & Travolta & Rhys play well off each other (tho Rhys’ super-thin mustache & quasi-goatee look a bit “dippy”, & should be “fixed” for heightened future believability as an “agent”)… Read more: http://www.hollywoodchicago.com/forums/9842/jim-reviews-film-from-pais-with-love#ixzz0e8OYlIS3

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