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Интервью с Джонатаном

Вельвет: Вы тока послушайте, что Мурь говорит I'm very broody but I'm not ready to be a father. I do love children, though. When I was on the set of Mission: Impossible 3, Will Smith and his wife came down, and he's got a little girl and a little boy. They were so beautiful and it was lovely to see that family unit. It's the same with Tom [Cruise]. He has a great family unit. http://www.celebrity-babies.com/2007/07/jonathan-rhys-m.html

Ответов - 83, стр: 1 2 3 4 5 All

Вельвет: Свеженькая статейка про Джонатан)) Читаем тута http://www.jrmfansite.org/2007/08/460

Вельвет: ВОт тут целых три интервью с Джонатаном) http://www.jrmfansite.org/2007/10/477 http://www.jrmfansite.org/2007/10/475 http://www.jrmfansite.org/2007/10/476

Вельвет: ВОт тут Очень хорошая статья про Джонатана) http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/film/article2819155.ece

Вельвет: Вот новенькое и очень прикольное ивью видео) http://justjared.buzznet.com/2007/11/11/jonathan-rhys-meyers-regis-kelly/

Lissena: Сорт Джонатан Джонатан Рис Майерс – убийца Скарлетт Йоханссон в «Матч-Пойнте» и лицо со свежего постера Hugo Boss – рассказывает о самостоятельно выработанной системе ценностей, отличной от систем иных кинозвезд его возраста. Я не гей. Я даже молотил гомосексуалов по малолетству. Но, несмотря на этот забавный факт, прижился в женском издании Glamour. Четвертый год пишу и редактирую самые- разнообразные строчки. Имею возможность общаться со множеством молодых мужчин, пребывающих в единственном на сегодня иконическом статусе – статусе секс-символа. И я дово-ль--но ясно себе представляю, что такое поп-звезда мужеского пола на третьем-четвертом десятке лет. Хорошего там, как правило, не слишком много. Так вот, со всей ответственностью заявляю: тридцатилетний Джонатан Рис Майерс – едва ли не самый удивительный представитель этого класса. Один из наименьших кретинов среди всей данной когорты. Рис Майерс – трезвый человек. В обоих смыслах. Неуставший. Тонкий. Жесткий. Кажется, именно таких в русской блатной традиции красиво звали «четкими пацанами». По крайней мере, в лондонском отеле «Сохо» (очень, кстати, «эджи» местечко, рекомендую), где мы с ним и засели, он мне показался именно что четким. И пусть на фотокарточках трезвый и тонкий человек выглядит мужчиной надменным и голубоватым, эдаким Элвисом эпохи, я прошу прощения, метросексуализма. В жизни этот ирландец гораздо нормальней. Щек в реальности больше, губ меньше, мерзлоты во взгляде вовсе не сыщешь. Слушайте, я вас совершенно другим представлял. Ленным таким, гордецом. А вы прямо свой. Вы ничего вечером не пили вчера? Похоже на то? Ну, может быть, где-то, в чем-то. Не пил. Я вообще, когда на повестке дня дела, ну интервью там всякое и такое прочее, не расслабляюсь. Не имею такой привычки. Джонатан Рис Майерс получил правильные уроки. Продукт «лоу-миддла» и перманентной безотцовщины, которого еще бебиком свезли из Дублина в дикую ирландскую глушь, графство Корк. Там он получал по шее с завидной регулярностью – не от конкурирующих детей, так от нищей своей жизни, креп, набирался сил и умения не растрачивать себя по бестолковым мелочам.- Джонатан и сейчас очень аккуратен с внешним миром. Как вам тот факт, что в 2007 году этот человек способен обходиться без компьютера, предпочитая тому книги, тетради и записные книжки? Правда, что вам ноутбук не нужен? Это очень круто, конечно. Факт. У меня нет собственного компьютера. Я, естественно, всегда могу выйти в сеть, сейчас в любой развитой стране надо очень постараться, чтобы не обнаружить доступа к интернету. Но на свою территорию я эту машину предпочитаю не пускать. Больно велик соблазн увлечься всей этой мутотой – я ведь считаю, что интернет вообще больше вреда наносит, нежели пользы, по большому счету. А еще я натурально не понимаю, что такое Voicemail и как проверять почту по телефону. То есть гордиться тут особо нечем, но ведь мне все это и не нужно вовсе. Рис Майерс весьма старомоден в своих убеждениях и взглядах. Такое ощущение, что судьба промахнулась и Джонатан родился не совсем тогда, когда стоило. Ему бы лет на 25 пораньше, в ту пору, когда затянутый в короткую кожу Гэри Олдман руководил лихими людьми из Сарри-Кейс в телефильме «Фирма», когда лоялисты орали хрен знает что про железные внутренности Мэг Тэтчер, а -ПЭВМы – это если вернуться к технике – еще были большими. Ну не бывает так, чтобы совсем молодой, в сущности, человек и сейчас помнил имена из того времени вроде Марка Жирарделли или Саманты Фокс. А он помнит. Кроме того, Рис Майерс живет в Кэмдене, довольно потертом районе Лондона, и владеет недвижимостью в Марракеше. Нормально? Это в то время, когда прочие забугорные секс-символы на корню скупают Ноттинг-Хилл и строятся на Голливудских холмах. Более того, даже его отношения с девушками находятся в перманентно подвисшем состоянии, прямо как по старым сценариям какого-нибудь Мережко. В то время как у большинства остальных звездных мужичков все в этом смысле буквально летает – по формуле «вэм бэм – фэнк ю, мэм». Вы как будто не совсем из нашего -времени, нет? И да, и нет. Я активно пользуюсь благами циливизации – но только теми, которые мне действительно интересны и необходимы. А не всем тем, что велит мода и статус. Я хожу заниматься фитнесом практически каждый день, потому что мне нравится нравиться себе. Я в форме и уже не помню, когда выходил из нее, но в человеческой такой форме, без перегибов. Знаете, бывает нечто спортивное, когда руки-ноги-физиономия уже неестественно выглядят. Потом... Я люблю хорошо пахнуть. Стараюсь модно одеваться. Но в то же время для меня лучший отдых – не кокаин в Майами, а кони и горы. Часто туда наведываетесь? Не очень. Раз в два-три месяца. Дело в том, что я в принципе расслабляться не очень люблю. А так иногда, время от времени, аллюр, поросшие склоны ирландские, шхуны рядом, фермы эти вонючие... Но приятные они такие, как с открытки. Однако я не засаленный хиппи, не стоит так думать. Я так, воздухом подышать, книги для мозгов почитать. Книги великолепно промывают тебя изнутри, это просто надо. Особенно сейчас. В новом сумасшедшем веке, когда все ускоряется ну прямо каждый день. Люди десятками с ума сходят от этого. Так что рекомендую быть аккуратнее. И что читаете, уже реально интересно? Например, Макиавелли. У меня была роль Генриха VIII, был такой король, самый, кстати, отличный король, он по сценарию пёрся от Макиавелли. Была такая постановка, «Тюдоры». Популярная и неглупая одновременно. Мне она принесла кучу денег. С красивыми, помню, декорациями. А значит, Генрих, он был сукой полной. Но интересной, с царем в голове, хитрый парень. И он, значит, зачитывался «Государем». И я заодно увлекся, втянулся не оторвешь. Потому что Генрих стал для меня чем-то вроде ролевой модели. С тех пор беру и штудирую все, что попадается Макиавелли – умнейшего, между прочим, человека. Очень мне помогает. В чем? В науке, не побоюсь этого слова, побеждать. Я же маньяк успеха, поклонник этого культа, как ни странно. Я боец, бьюсь до конца, я уже с утра всегда, почти всегда, отмобилизован и уверен в своих силах. У меня много силы. Это во мне начало проявляться еще с детства. Я умел и умею драться, в детстве постоянно с кровоподтеками ходил. Я бы и сейчас мог раззадориться и разбить кому-нибудь физиономию запросто и прямо в кровь, но не могу себе этого позволить в силу всем понятных причин. Я стал воплощать свою тягу к боевому, крутозамешанному в другом. Вот я пошел в киноиндустрию – и кино для меня не стало воплощением творческого начала, ничего мечтательного. Это моя карьера, я сразу для себя так решил – и я буду ее развивать, рвать всех. А блажь всякую, типа «поиск себя», то-се, я стараюсь выкидывать из головы. Я лучше по магазинам пройдусь, чем дома запрусь и давай до посинения -рефлексировать. По каким магазинам? По магазинам модной одежды, тут их полгорода (не забывайте, речь идет о Лондоне. – Прим. GQ). Вы понимаете, что я сейчас хочу спросить... Galliano, Нugo Boss, Armani, итальянского толка вещи – пусть необязательно и от итальянцев. Сексуальные, с некоторой экспрессией. Но это не означает, что я дикий ухарь или жиголо в атаке. Я вообще не по части клубов и всех этих еженощных светских затей. И почти не пью. Манера одеваться – вот это, пожа-луй, единственный достаточно проблемный момент у артиста. Такое ощущение, что его одевает- москов-ский стилист, притом не са-мый идейный. Не знаю, есть ли у Рис Майерса консультант по части -одежды, но ошибки у него точно имеются. Слишком все вычурно – к примеру, на встречу со мной он пришел в таком виде, что самым подходящим словом в данном случае будет глагол «вырядиться». Распахнутая чуть ли не до сосков белая рубашка, битые джинсы, заправленные в сапоги на шнуровке. И это в жаркую погоду. И это при природной его мудрости. Скорее всего, дело тут в компенсаторной функции: она у Рис Майерса явно работает на полную катушку. Бедное детство и всякое такое. Странный вы все же человек. Затейливо как у вас все устроено. Скорее, я пытаюсь быть человеком нормальным. Я просто не хочу распыляться. Но – при всем при этом – повторюсь, я жажду успеха и хочу быть знаменитым. Но эти пункты вроде бы и не противоречат друг другу. У вас есть план, как победить в конце -концов? Прийти к вашей цели? Да. Что-то типа плана имеется. Я принял на веру ту мысль, что человеку жизненно необходимо много и постоянно учиться – и я постоянно этим занимаюсь. Суперположительным персонажем я выхожу, да? Пожалуй, что так. Но я, например, довольно жестко стелю. Подчиненные – у меня бывают время от времени подчиненные, – они не то чтобы по струнке бегают, но близко к тому. Все тактично, но жестко. Этому я у Тома Круза научился, он всегда так себя ставит. Он ваш друг? Что еще от него взяли? Не друг, мы просто знакомы. А взял я от него кучу вещей. Он вообще гораздо умней, чем кажется. Круз суперуспешный человек, я всегда на таких, как он, ориентировался. И вот что я у них взял: коли хочешь успеха, забудь о красоте и таланте. То есть, если таковые имеются, прекрасно, но это – совсем не главное. Секрет по-настоящему успешных людей в другом. Они встают рано и начинают делать свое дело. Оно у них спорится, они собранны, они идут прямой дорогой. Такие не встают в одиннадцать, не плачутся окружающим на жизнь и не склоняют голову к маминым коленям, «только ты меня понимаешь». И еще характернейший признак: у них нет похмелья до трех часов дня. Славная рекомендация. Прямо «как перестать беспокоиться и начать жить». Именно. Посмотрите на себя, если заметите, что какой-то из перечисленных штучек у вас нет, идите лечитесь, чиститесь, мудрейте. -Я‑то понимаю, о чем говорю и что советую. Мне ли не знать. Отсюда (тут же смотрите фотки)

Вельвет: Новые статьи про Муря http://www.jrmfansite.org/2007/11/503 http://www.jrmfansite.org/2007/11/502 http://www.jrmfansite.org/2007/11/505 http://www.jrmfansite.org/2007/11/504

Asya_Brotskaya: Вчера умерла мама Джонни

Ornika: Asya_Brotskaya пишет: Вчера умерла мама Джонни Соболезнуем ему!

Вельвет: Asya_Brotskaya пишет: Вчера умерла мама Джонни Ой(( Жуть какая(( СОболезную Муре(( Как ему счас тяжело то

Вельвет: Свеженькое интервью с Джонатаном) Text: The Actor and His iPod By John Black. November 21, 2007. Playing a musician is nothing new to Jonathan Rhys Meyers, having already played The King in Elvis and glam rocker Brian Slade in The Velvet Goldmine. In his new film, August Rush, he plays a musician whose son from a one night stand just may be a musical genius. BostonNOW: How would you describe the character you play in this movie, Louis Connelly? Jonathan Rhys Meyers: He's a singer/songwriter. He's not a genius. He's just a guy who loves music and makes a living gigging. He's from the criminal class, too. I wouldn't even say lower class; I'd say criminal class. He's not a big star because that would make the movie something different altogether. BN: Music is such an important part of August Rush? How has music influenced you? JRM: I'm part of the ipod generation. It's really that simple. I've got 10,000 tracks from all over the world at the touch of a finger. That's fantastic. I grew up in a house full of musicians. Everybody's life has a soundtrack. BN: Were there any specific songs or CDs you listened to while working on the movie to help you find the character? JRM: I listened to Van Morrison's Veedon Fleece a lot. I listened to Bach and a lot of choral music. There's a huge keyboard organ scene so when I got to the church I flipped to some organ music on the ipod and felt a bit posh about it. But at the end of the day it was good old rock and roll like The Pogues and The Dropkick Murphys to capture that despondent Irish abroad thing. http://www.bostonnow.com/entertainment/movies/2007/11/21/the-actor-and-his-ipod

Вельвет: Так что Мурь в музыке у нас обстоятельный товарищ, судя по этому интервью))

Вельвет: Вот ещё относительно свежее интервью NEW YORK -- It took a notoriously overweight, lusty and powerful British king to turn actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers into the next big thing. The 30-year-old Irishman, and Versace/Hugo Boss fragrance model, previously got our attention with several roles: as an androgynous glam-rocker in Velvet Goldmine, as the pillow-lipped soccer coach in Bend It Like Beckham, as the king of rock 'n' roll in the TV mini-series Elvis and as the social-climbing tennis-playing sociopath in Matchpoint. But it is Rhys Meyers' terrific turn as a young -- and slim -- Henry VIII on the mini-series The Tudors (CBC, Tuesday nights) that has made him a household name. His intense glare stares out from the current cover of Details magazine with the headline Jonathan Rhys Meyers Wants to Rule Hollywood. In the accompanying article, the two-time rehab visitor (this year alone) talks about how his "Richard Burton, Peter O'Toole days" of boozing are behind him and that "drink doesn't fit into the groove of where my life is going." Given that he was arrested in a Dublin airport on Nov. 18 for public drunkenness and disturbing the peace, he obviously has had a relapse. Even sadder, just three days after his arrest his mother died in hospital at age 50 after a short illness. Rhys Meyers' latest film role is a far cry from his current realities. In the fairy tale-like family flick August Rush, he does his own singing in his portrayal of an Irish musician whose one-night stand with a cellist (Keri Russell) leads to the birth of music prodigy (Freddie Highmore). "There's a lot of really hard-hitting movies out there at the moment, a lot of real thinkers, a lot of sort of like political (films) that really, really make you think," Rhys Meyers told reporters at an early-November press conference. "August Rush really has its place because you can't watch that type of movie all the time, and people don't want to. "It's not getting better out there, number one, so sometimes it's nice for, like, two hours to just remember being positive and being creative. I think this movie has a great healing quality to it. So it does have a lot of open vulnerability, where if you want to be cynical or you want to be critical or 'that's not plausible,' well, fairy tales aren't plausible." Rhys Meyers has been in an on-again, off-again relationship with heiress and London-based student Reena Hammer since 2004; she accompanied him to his mother's funeral. Rhys Meyers said he does believe in love at first sight, just as his August Rush character experiences. "But it's a very strange thing," he said. "It wasn't like thunderbolts and lightning. It was kind of like a sickly feeling and it was kind of uncomfortable, really, because it was just very factual. It was like, 'The sky is blue. When it rains you're wet.' I was in love." Rhys Meyers, who just finished shooting the second season of The Tudors in his native Dublin, said he doesn't get any heftier despite some initial controversy over his casting. "I put on a stone (14 pounds) in muscle, but I couldn't really put on the weight, and when I said I'd do the series, I said, 'Listen if you're looking for a guy to put on 200 pounds, I'm really not that guy 'cause my frame wouldn't hold it.'" What about pads or prosthetics? "No, no, no -- not in HD," he said, referring to the high-definition format. "It's very difficult to do that. It's like all the tricks go out the window." Still, he promises viewers won't be disappointed with Henry's highjinks in the second season. "It's almost like in the first season we laid the rope, in the second season it gets pulled," said Rhys Meyers. "I mean it's very vicious. The fall of the Boleyn family is quite incredible. Some great directors like Jon Amiel came in to shoot the last two episodes. It's magnificent." http://lfpress.ca/newsstand/Today/ThursdayTicket/2007/11/29/4694083-sun.html

Вельвет: Ещё ивьюшка с Джонни After interviews to promote August Rush in New York recently, recovering alcoholic Jonathan Rhys Meyers fell off the wagon and landed hard on his face. The Irish actor was arrested for public drunkenness and breach of peace at the Dublin airport last week. Then he was spotted a few days later drinking in North London, apparently grieving for his mother Geri Meyers O'Keeffe, who died recently at a County Cork hospital in Ireland. For all his success, Rhys Meyers seems to be working out some troubles, yet faltering under the pressure. Eight months ago, friends and family hoped he had come to grips with his demons when he checked into a rehab centre after wrapping August Rush. Apparently, it didn't take. Yet days before his Dublin airport relapse, the churlish, but charming, 30-year-old seemed at peace and enjoying his promising professional life. He portrays a rebel rocker in the just-released adult film fable August Rush and he's redefining the raunchy Henry VIII in the soapy R-rated cable series The Tudors. "I just finished shooting it," says an energetic Rhys Meyers of The Tudors 12-part second season airing next March in the U.S. And, yes, he confirms, they managed to complete the show before the U.S. writers guild strike cut things short. And, of course, he acknowledges his Henry VIII is wire thin compared to the bulky historical figure. But then the miniseries isn't especially accurate either. "I did put on muscle, but I couldn't really put on the weight," says the slim actor. "I said to them right from the start, 'Listen, if you are looking for a guy to put on 200 pounds I'm really not him.' My frame wouldn't hold it." So what can Tudors' fans -- the first season ran on CBC this fall -- look for in the second part? "It's like in the first season we laid the rope," he says. "Second season it gets pulled. It's very vicious, and the fall of the Boleyn family is quite incredible." Playing a rebellious guitar-strumming singer in August Rush is more his thing. In the film, he's a rocker who has one-night stand with a concert cellist (Keri Russell), then discovers 12 years later he has a musically gifted son (Freddie Highmore). Along the way, Rhys Meyers plays and sings tunes like a seasoned pro. "Yeah, I can sing and play a little, but I've got some brothers," he says of younger siblings Jamie, Paul and Alan, "who are proper musicians and play in groups." Not that their older brother is ever far from a guitar or his music. "Everybody's life has a soundtrack," he says. And so does his. While shooting August Rush, "I would listen to the choral stuff, and found this great organ piece by a guy called Wolfgang Rabson, and felt a little highbrow," he confesses. "At the end of the day, though, it was gutter rock 'n' roll for me -- a lot of The Pogues, Dropkick Murphys. All that removed despondent Irish stuff." That 's not surprising. The Dublin school dropout -- raised by his mother -- was headed for a detention centre when he was spotted, at 16, in a pool hall. That would lead to a few London commercials, TV shows, then a career-making role as the assassin in 1996's Michael Collins. In North America, he is often remembered as the coach in 2002's Bend It Like Beckham and for his portrayal of Elvis Presley in the 2005 miniseries Elvis. He also co-starred in last year's Mission: Impossible III opposite Tom Cruise. Still, he struggles with his past and with the bottle, and while August Rush coincidently bookends his drinking, then recovery, then relapse, he has fond memories of what the movie represents. "Sometimes it's nice," he says of the film's happy-ending fantasy, "to remember what it is like to be positive and creative for two hours." Even better, he met up with co-star Highmore on one memorable day last month to attend a game of the London-based soccer team Arsenal. Both are fans and both have season's tickets. "So we had breakfast at a greasy spoon cafe and had everything on the surgeon's health warning," says a smiling Rhys Meyers. "Then we went to the game together, laughing all the way." http://www.nationalpost.com/todays_paper/story.html?id=130541

Вельвет: Разместила забавную и большую статью о Джонни вот сюда http://jonathanforever.ucoz.ru/publ/

Вельвет: Интервью с Мурем http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/International_Buzz/Dads_the_way_for_Jonathan/articleshow/2792144.cms+

Вельвет: Свеженькая интервьюшка с Мурем) Jonathan Rhys Meyers returns this month in "The Tudors." He spoke to Ramin Setoodeh: What's the best thing about being Henry VIII? I suppose ultimate power. You get to do whatever you want, whenever you want, with whoever you want. It's the 16th-century equivalent of having a black AmEx card and no limit. I thought you'd say the women. The AmEx card buys you that. When you've got wealth and power, you don't have to charm women. Do you have a favorite wife? The best wife was Catherine of Aragon. They were sexually attracted to each other, they liked each other's company, but Catherine got old and she couldn't produce a child. Otherwise, I think Henry would've stayed with her. Does Henry wear boxers or briefs? He wears boxers that have a crucifix like the 16th-century version of the Nike swish. Where exactly is this crucifix? It's right on the crest where you'd have the Calvin Klein or Hugo Boss sign. They're little metal crucifixes. When the show is over, I'll take all my pairs with me. For real? Of course for real. Isn't underwear with metal crucifixes uncomfortable? It's not high-grade steel or anything like that. They're quite comfortable, but they're quite funny to look at. Every so often I have to walk around on set just in my underwear. Do you live in London now? Yeah. We bought a house in St. John's Wood, which is a very posh part of London. Who's the we? Myself and my girlfriend. At the moment, I'm occupied with moving house. Don't you have movers? We're packing up the stuff ourselves. Believe me, if I was living in Los Angeles, I'd have movers. You could ring up somebody, and they'll be, like, "I'll be there in 10 minutes." It's not as efficient in Europe. Do you ride the tube? Of course. Nowadays, everyone has a cell phone, and on the cell phone there's a camera. People don't want an autograph anymore. Everyone wants a photograph. Do you get recognized? On a daily basis. I'd never thought I'd be the actor that said that.

Вельвет: Новые свежее интервью с ДЖонатаном http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/03/24/jonathan-rhys-meyers-talk_n_93016.html http://nymag.com/arts/tv/features/45295/

Вельвет: Интервью новое с Джонатаном) http://alexoloughlinfan.blogspot.com/2008/04/australia-cosmos-quick-interview-with.html

Вельвет: Свежее интервью с Джонатаном After scoring with his Golden Globe-winning performance as Elvis, Jonathan Rhys Meyers played yet another legendary king in the Showtime series The Tudors. Now, he's gone from Elvis and Henry VIII to a wrenching real-life role in The Children of Huang Shi. Rhys-Meyers plays George Hogg, a British reporter who helped lead a group of orphans to freedom in war-torn China in the 1930's. In person, Rhys Meyers is refreshingly honest, surprisingly funny, and, did I mention, sexy? You certainly looked nothing like the pictures we've seen of Henry VIII. Was that a challenge? "I didn't have the physicality of Henry so I had to create this incredibly strong, powerful man without being sort of like 6' 4" and 300 pounds. I had to make his ambition bigger than anybody else's, I had to make his energy bigger than anybody else's and I had to make him the most dangerous man in court. It's my interpretation, not imitating anybody else of what it would be like to be 29 years old, athletic and have absolute power to do whatever you want." He's not the most likable king. "Basically, he's a bastard, but he's an interesting bastard and an attractive bastard. Nobody's going to be interested in the good guy for 10 hours of television. Everybody likes these dangerous characters, or they're going to hate him but still want to watch him. I say bad guys are more fun to watch and certainly more fun to play." George Hogg, who became a reluctant hero as he saved Chinese orphans, is a very different character, isn't he? "When I read the script, I had no idea who George Hogg even was. He never really got the opportunity to be well-known, but although he was essentially powerless in a war torn country, he found the strength to do something worthy. I felt a little like he did because we had a Chinese crew that spoke no English and the filming conditions were often atrocious. It was a bit of a shock but the things I went through are some of the things George went through. I came to it a little deaf, dumb and blind and had to learn as I went." Hogg doesn't go to bed with an endless assortment of women like King Henry. There seems to be no limit to the sex scenes in The Tudors. "I think it has a lot to do with our popularity but we're not totally exaggerating. People had an awful lot of sex at that time. Remember, there was no TV. Sex was very, very important. It's what you did when the sun went down. They were much more sexually gregarious in the 15th century than we are today." How do you feel about being labeled "sexy guy"? "I'd rather people think I'm sexy than not. Let's be honest. Physicality is going to have a bearing on the parts you get. And if you think differently, you're in the wrong business. As for doing it repetitively in the TV series, there's like crew of like 100 people, hot camera lights and cameras poking in all sorts of private areas. It looks like a lot more fun then it is." You've been in blockbusters like MI3 and romantic movies like Match Point. What have you learned? "If it's an action movie, you duck and if it's a romantic movie, you kiss." http://www.parade.com/celebrity/celebrity-parade/archive/pc_0154.html?archive=true

Вельвет: Джонатан считает себя сексуальным) КРУТЬ) НАШИ МЫСЛИ СОВПАДАЮТ) http://jonathanforever.ucoz.ru/news/2008-05-25-20

Лэйли: И правильно считает,потому что это истинная правда!

Вельвет: Лэйли , Точно) ПРАВДА)))

Вельвет: Парочка интересных статей про Тюдоров The Tudors star Jonathan Rhys Myers hits back at inaccuracy jibes Jonathan Rhys Myers, the star of the BBC's drama series The Tudors, has hit back at claims that the series is not historically accurate. The lavish period soap, set during the reign of Henry VIII, has been criticised for twisting the facts and changing the ages, names and even sexuality of its characters to suit its dramatic purpose. But in an interview with the Radio Times, Rhys Meyers calls on viewers and critics to take it less seriously. "We're not making a documentary for universities," said the Irish actor who plays the lead role. "Having actors with an appealing look is what an audience demands today – especially when there's quite a bit of sexual activity involved." Set in the turbulent 1530s, the new series deals with tumultuous events surrounding Henry VIII's attempts to have his marriage annulled so that he can wed Anne Boleyn. It is likely to cause most uproar because it stars Peter O'Toole as Pope Paul III, opposing the move which eventually led to the creation of the Church Of England. Historians will be bound to point that Pope Paul III did not take up the position until after the split when Anne Boleyn was already Queen. The pope who refused to let Henry divorce his first wife and then excommunicated him was Paul's predecessor, Clement VII. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/2439692/The-Tudors-star-Jonathan-Rhys-Myers-hits-back-at-inaccuracy-jibes.html

Вельвет: Actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers says the secret of his hit TV show The TudorsЎЇ global success is sex In an exclusive interview with the Sunday Tribune on the set of the showЎЇs third season in Ardmore Studios Bray, the Cork man said sexual chemistry was a necessary ingredient to any successful film or TV show and The Tudors is no exception. Ў°You have to reel them in, and sex certainly helps,Ў± he said. Ў°A bit of Tuesday-night naughtiness, I call it. The success of any TV show or movie has a huge sexual element to it. Why are movie actors and actresses famous? Ў°Well theyЎЇre not famous because theyЎЇre pug ugly, are they? TheyЎЇre famous because they are good looking, interesting people most of the time and you get to have your little fantasies about it.Ў± Ў®A bit of Tuesday-night naughtinessЎЇ is how Jonathan Rhys Meyers describes his hit TV show Jonathan Rhys Meyers: Ў®Henry would be about 40 by the third season but IЎЇm playing him at 30 or 31Ўд Actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers says the secret of his hit TV show The TudorsЎЇ global success is sex. In an exclusive interview with the Sunday Tribune on the set of the showЎЇs third season in Ardmore Studios Bray, the Cork man said sexual chemistry was a necessary ingredient to any successful film or TV show and The Tudors is no exception. Ў°You have to reel them in, and sex certainly helps,Ў± he said. Ў°A bit of Tuesday-night naughtiness, I call it. The success of any TV show or movie has a huge sexual element to it. Why are movie actors and actresses famous? Ў°Well theyЎЇre not famous because theyЎЇre pug ugly, are they? TheyЎЇre famous because they are good looking, interesting people most of the time and you get to have your little fantasies about it.Ў± However, Rhys Meyers said press coverage which centred on the showЎЇs sexual element, particularly in Ireland, had been blown out of proportion. Ў°We always said weЎЇre The West Wing set in the 16th century, but everybody in Ireland was like Ў®thereЎЇs loads of sex in The Tudors. To me, thatЎЇs Ireland still reeling from its Catholic upbringing, to be honest with you, but I imagine season two will be even more popular on TV3 because we have a lot of different characters and they just happen to be even better-looking.Ў± He went on to explain why sex was so important to his character King Henry VIII. Ў°In season one, you were looking at a very young, vibrant, almost post-adolescent, young-man king. Like any young man, sex is a vital part of his life, but also in this period of time, you needed to get some heirs. Your children were not only a tool for yourself to become richer, they were also your legacy.Ў± He warms to his theme. Ў°Listen, six marriages do not a happy man make. He was a politician, and they never have the f***ing frown off their faces. This is the man who was absolute boss. There is no DЁўil. There is no minister for f***ing finance or minister for f***ing health. ItЎЇs all him.Ў± Playing such a despotic monarch did not come easy. Ў°I think every role presents its challenges. I put the same amount of intensity into most things, but itЎЇs kind of difficult because youЎЇre looking at regality, which is something you either have or you donЎЇt. You have to try and get it into your headspace that you are very much born with it, even though I am not, obviously. Ў°That involves you thinking you are the king the whole time and the certain air of entitlement the king has. But do I take the part home? Ў°No. Jesus. No. I wouldnЎЇt get away with it.Ў± Cast in the role following his Golden Globe-winning performance playing Elvis on US TV, Rhys Meyers (30) said he was actually too old to play Henry VIII, and not too young, as some people suggested. Ў°When I did Henry, people were like Ў®well heЎЇs too young.ЎЇ Actually, I was too old. Henry should have been 12 to begin with. He was married by 13 and had his first child at 14. What we have basically done is pull everything back by about seven years from my age point of view. Henry would be about 40 by the third season of The Tudors, but IЎЇm playing him at 30 or 31.Ў± He doesnЎЇt intend to go on playing Henry VIII forever. Ў°At some point, the plausibility will become doubtful. For instance, in later years, he has an injury which results in him putting on weight, so by the time he marries his fifth wife Katherine Howard, itЎЇs pretty much beauty and the beast. I donЎЇt know how I could put on 200 pounds to match his appearance at that point.Ў± He remains committed to Ardmore Studios where the series made for US company Showtime and broadcast in 84 countries around the world is filmed. Ў°Ireland needs Ardmore Studios. ItЎЇs essential to Irish films because so many great filmmakers have made films here. I know that people like Mel Gibson, Anthony Sher and Peter OЎЇToole would be very sad to see it close. For me, itЎЇs very comfortable coming back to Ardmore and working with the same crew and production team.Ў± At the helm of the $40m production, which employs 300 people, is executive producer and local Bray man Morgan OЎЇSullivan. Ў°ItЎЇs really important to have somebody in the background who takes care of everything, who knows the business,Ў± Rhys Meyers said. Ў°Without Morgan, The Tudors would have been impossible.Ў± However, OЎЇSullivan (62) himself said the cornerstone of the period drama was writer Michael Hirst, whose screen credits include 1998 Oscar- winning film Elizabeth. Ў°ItЎЇs MichaelЎЇs vision weЎЇre trying to make happen,Ў± he says. Ў°But along with Michael, you have Irish directors like Brian Kirk, Ciaran Donnelly and Dearbhla Walsh, and a huge team, including Tom Conroy our set designer, and Joan Bergin our Emmy-winning costume designer. Part financed by Section 481, which provides tax relief for Irish film and television, The Tudors is also providing a boost to the local economy in Wicklow. Ў°We have a press day coming up where journalists fly in from around the world, and while theyЎЇre here, weЎЇll organise a location visit where weЎЇll take them to all the local places featured in The Tudors, like Kilruddery and Powerscourt,Ў± OЎЇSullivan said. Ў°Everybody shares in The TudorsЎЇ success.Ў± http://www.tribune.ie/article/2008/jul/06/braying-about-the-success-of-the-tudors/?q=Jonathan%20Rhys%20Meyers

анчоус: тьфу, пора браться за английский

Вельвет: анчоус , эт точно) Попробую перевести ка ктолько время свободное появиться)

анчоус: да у вас тут уже многовато чтива на английском собралось, запаришься переводить, ты лучше залей саундтрек к жили, как обещала СЛОМАЛА МОЗГ(!) уже искать этот саундтрек в инете

Вельвет: анчоусегодня ОБЕЩАЮ)

Вельвет: Новая статья из Дейли Мейл

анчоус: ну вот... опять обманула

анчоус: Упс.. это я не сама с собой переписку веду сообщение выше - для Вельвет

Вельвет: анчоус , да я знаю. Ну все! Завтра обязуюсь залить) ЧЕСТНО-ЧЕСТНО

Кицунэ: И-и-эх (разминая лапы), давно не брал я в руки шашки. В смысле – не брала. В смысле – англо-русского словаря. Поехали! Спасибо JRMfansite.org за исходник. The Daily Mail, 27 июля 2008 года. Джонатан Рис Майерс: Возвращение короля автор Крис Салливан Кто еще мог бы сыграть роскошного пьяницу Генриха VIII, если не шикарно (правда, лишь время от времени) напивающийся Джонатан Рис Майерс? Джонатан Рис Майерс приходит на фотосъемку в ковбойских сапогах из змеиной кожи, джинсах и странноватом дизайнерском пиджаке поверх обтягивающей футболки. Все головы немедленно поворачиваются к нему. Он пьян? В порядке ли он? Как долго он продержится? У Рис Майерса есть "прошлое". Нам всем очень хочется знать, в каком состоянии он сейчас. В апреле прошлого года его пресс-агент сообщил, что "после непрерывной череды съемок Джонатан Рис Майерс проходит курс лечения от алкогольной зависимости". Будем надеяться, он получил назад свои деньги: несколькими месяцами позже его девушка Рина Хаммер заявила, что они расстались и что "поводом к такому решению стали, в том числе, и проблемы Джонни с алкоголем". Позже, в 2007, он был арестован в Дублинском аэропорту. Персонал не позволил ему подняться на борт самолета, вылетающего в Лондон, поскольку актер был слишком пьян. Он валялся на полу, будто бы осыпая ругательствами работников аэропорта, и был арестован за "пребывание в публичном месте в состоянии явного опьянения" и нарушение общественного порядка. Протрезвев, он вылетел в Лондон на другой день, но вскоре снова попал на страницы всех газет, сфотографированный распивающим сидр на улице в 10 утра; тогда и выяснилось, что мать Джонатана, которую он искренне любил, с которой созванивался почти каждый день, умерла всего за несколько часов до этого. На самом деле он непредсказуем. "Джонни всегда был близок к тому, чтобы съехать с катушек" , – говорит его друг, и цитата обходит все печатные издания, пишущие об актере в этот период. "Его ожидали на публичном мероприятии в Нью-Йорке, но он покинул вечеринку с Линдсей Лохан и никто не мог его найти. Он исчез на два дня. Но таков Джонни. У него было трудное детство, он своенравен и безрассуден." Вспомнит ли он, хотел бы я знать, нашу последнюю, такую странную встречу? Это произошло на вечеринке по завершении съемок Вудди Алленова "Матч Пойнта". Двое продюсеров фильма были приставлены к Джонатану, чтобы на протяжении съемочного периода держать его в узде. "Это было жутким кошмаром, но оно того стоило", – сказал мне один из них. Вдвоем с Джонатаном мы взяли такси, чтобы добраться до Мэйфэр клуба. Стоило ему попасть туда, как он начал стрелять глазами по сторонам и беспокойно подергиваться, как запертый в клетке хорек. После двух порций выпивки он немедленно опьянел и исчез. Ну а сегодня? Он явился вовремя. Наскоро отрекомендовался присутствующим: фотографу, ассистенту стилиста, курьеру и собаке. "Привет, – сказал он. – Я Джонатан Рис Майерс. Рад познакомиться. Ладно, давайте начнем. Что вы хотите, чтобы я надел? Какая цветовая гамма вам нравится?" Совершенно трезв и нормален, как ни крути. Позже, в студийном кафе, я спросил его, что за безобразие творилось с ним весь прошлый год. Блеснув своими невероятными голубовато-зелеными глазами, он ответил с легким ирландским акцентом, чуть подпорченным американским интонированием. "Я даже не думал о выпивке с тех пор, как умерла моя мать. Я вообще не считаю, что бухло – это выход. До 25 лет я был практически трезвенником. А потом оказался в Таиланде, на съемках, без единого знакомого рядом. Почувствовал себя как-то слегка одиноко и запил. С тех пор, как мне исполнилось 27, я напивался, должно быть, раз двадцать, не больше, но когда я это делаю, я становлюсь похож на Бэмби. Ощущаю себя совершенно подавленным, отчаявшимся, как шестнадцатилетний юнец. Это бросается в глаза. Сейчас попойки совершенно не входят в мои планы. Я хочу делать нечто стоящее из моей жизни. Пьянство здесь не в рифму. Если честно, я закрыл эту тему и, надеюсь, остальные поступят так же, но на самом деле меня это мало волнует. Вся эта история с моим алкоголизмом была раздута сверх всякой меры. Я произвожу на людей впечатление эдакого варвара и бунтаря. Но на самом деле это не так, и я не уверен, что хочу признаваться, насколько скучна моя жизнь на самом деле. Дело в том, если ты молодой ирландский актер, ты очернен еще прежде, чем начал. Это устойчивое клише". Ему лучше знать. Его идолы – Питер О'Тул, Ричард Харрис и Ричард Бёртон. Как и они, Джонатан Рис Майерс с ошеломляющим апломбом играет беспокойных, мятежных, загадочных персонажей, поскольку сам беспокоен, мятежен и загадочен. Он здесь – и он несравнимо более красив в реальности, чем в кино, но в то же время в нем есть нечто хрупкое и взрывное, и он мастерски пользуется этим контрастом. После его совместного с Кирой Найтли прорыва в "Играй как Бекхэм" он получил Золотой Глобус за свое ослепительное превращение в юного и ранимого Элвиса Пресли, затмил Тома Круза в роли тайного агента в "Миссия: Невыполнима III" и превзошел Эвана МакГрегора в образе лукавой бисексуальной глэм-рок-звезды в богемном культовом "Velvet Goldmine" Тодда Хайнса. Я всем советую посмотреть, как он играет Генриха VIII во втором сезоне "Тюдоров". Рис Майерс царственен и, наверное, несколько жесток и груб в создании образа блистательно безумного, обаятельного и беспощадного короля Англии. "Думаю, я неизменно производил впечатление наглого и надменного человека, поскольку молодые короли всегда наглы и надменны, – говорит он. – Генрих не беспокоился даже о том, чтобы вытереть собственный зад. Существовал человек, называемый Служителем Стула, и его работа являлась особой честью. Всякий, имевший эту привилегию по праву рождения, был бы высокомерен, спесив и считал себя живым богом. Когда я взялся за эту роль, я беспокоился, что не имею сходства с историческим Генрихом. Но леди Антония Фрэйзер, автор "Тюдора Английского", сочла, что единственное несоответствие – это отсутствие у меня рыжих волос. Если честно, я не стал рыжим лишь потому, что это произвело бы ужасное впечатление. Я выгляжу абсолютно смехотворно в рыжих буклях". Рис Майерс родился преждевременно, в 1977 году, и был немедленно окрещен, поскольку предполагалось, что он вскоре умрет от порока сердца. Он покинул больницу семью месяцами позже. Когда его семья переехала в Корк, отношения его родителей распались. Младшие братья Джейми и Пол остались жить с отцом, в то время как мать растила Джонатана и Алана в крошечном муниципальном доме. Он был исключен из католической школы за прогулы. "У меня была тяжелая юность. Но то же могут сказать 95% жителей нашей планеты, так что я всего лишь один из многих. Я просто счастлив, что моя жизнь свернула с этого пути. Так, как я сам это вижу, у меня было две разные жизни: меня выкинули из школы в 15, теперь мне 31, и вторую половину моей жизни я прожил совсем иначе, чем тот мальчик. Когда я оглядываюсь назад, на людей, которые выросли в Корке, я даже не уверен, что узнаю их. В основном я проводил время играя в бассейне, в то время, как мне следовало быть в школе. И вдруг меня исключили. Не потому, что я был дурным мальчишкой, я просто не хотел туда ходить. Лучше бы этого не произошло: не годится, чтобы какой-нибудь школьник, прочитав эту статью, решил, что это нормально – быть исключенным, – таким не стоит гордиться. Христианские Братья сделали все, что могли – они не были такими умелыми, как нынешние учителя. Просто я был из тех детей, которых тяжело подчинить." Его карьера началась, когда кастинг-агент заметил его в холле бассейна и обескуражил приглашением сняться в кино. Роли он не получил, зато снялся в рекламе супа "Кнорр". Его первыми настоящими ролями были роль убийцы Лиама Ниссона в "Майкле Коллинзе" и негодяя в "Tribe". "Мы должны были изображать секс втроем – я, Джереми Нортэм и Анна Фрил. Я никогда не участвовал в сексуальных сценах с мужчиной и женщиной, но знал, что Джереми дико волнуется, и постарался сделать все возможное, чтобы заставить его чувствовать себя еще неудобнее, обняв его сзади. Мы, кельты, любим экстрим. Это то, что мы делаем лучше всего". Странно ли, что затем он поцеловал Эвана МакГрегора в "Velvet Goldmine". "Хотя огромное количество женщин может думать, что тискаться с Эваном МакГрегором – это лучшее, что может произойти в жизни, для меня это оказались не самые приятные кинематографические обжималки. Но, по меньшей мере, я был у него первым". После роли бросающего в дрожь Стирпайка в БиБиСишном сериале "Горменгаст" он купил своей матери дом. "Это было потрясающе – получить возможность сделать такое," – говорит он, и его яркие глаза неожиданно увлажняются (стукнула бы автора чем-нибудь тяжелым за этот идиотский оборот, но из песни слова не выкинешь). "Это один из поступков, которые должны совершать все сыновья. Это не есть что-то особенное, это не возможность покрасоваться. Я просто чувствовал, что таков способ потратить мои деньги на человека, которого я очень, очень люблю". Вероятно, сейчас он даже популярнее в США, чем в Великобритании, благодаря главной роли в американском сериале про Элвиса. "Фокус в том, что я никогда не смотрел на Элвиса как на суперзвезду. Я видел парня, который делает все что может, чтобы изменить удушающие его обстоятельства. Он снимался в " King Creole" в Нью-Орлеане и захотел поесть в этом знаменитом ресторане "Antoine’s". Все парни принялись наряжаться и начищать ботинки, готовясь туда отправиться, когда полковник Паркер вошел и сказал: Элвис, ты не можешь идти в "Antoine’s", ты слишком известен для этого. Ты не должен выходить из комнаты". Ему было 23, когда он впервые осознал масштабы своей славы, и это позволило ему раскрыться. Потому что, поверьте мне, все актеры, включая меня, расцветают от внимания; никаким иным образом мы не могли бы делать то, что делаем. Я читал множество статей, в которых люди говорят (он принимается истерически присюсюкивать): "Я просто хочу иметь частную жизнь!" Но они не могут! Это тот самый пример. Вы получаете деньги и славу, но должны отдать что-то взамен – так примите это. Если вам не нравится, найдите другую работу." Работа голливудского механизма не производит на него впечатления. "Этот бизнес полон людей – парни из Корка, Ридли Скотт из Тайнсайда, Рассел Кроу из Down Under, Эван из Перта, Джуд из Лондона, Колин из Дублина, – каждый из которых вырос в совершенно обычных условиях, но получил совершенно экстраординарную работу. Они могут носить чудесную одежду и встречаться с самыми хорошенькими девушками, но если оглянуться назад, их можно увидеть с прической, похожей на пудинг, в школьной униформе, до сих пор украшающих чью-нибудь каминную полку. Меня не приглашают на все эти гламурные вечеринки. И если пригласят, не уверен, что захочу пойти." Это возвращает нас к Генриху. "Это как раз его случай. Он оставил Катерину Арагонскую лишь потому, что хотел новую молодую жену. Так поступают некоторые мужчины, которые женятся и зарабатывают миллионы, а затем начинают встречаться с 22-летними моделями. Только для Генриха не все так просто. Дела государства для него были прежде всего. Он вызывает у меня восхищение: он отстроил английский флот, решил поставить английское правосудие выше религии, той, как видело ее духовенство. И – да, у него было шесть жен, но шесть браков не делают мужчину счастливее, и никто, у кого было шесть жен, не станет плясать от счастья. На самом деля я считаю, он был менее мужественен, чем казалось окружающим. У него был очень тяжелый, очень пугающий опыт, приобретенный во время взросления при дворе. Его отец подавил восстание, когда Генрих был ребенком, его вместе с матерью заперли в Тауэре, где узники провели семь дней, не зная, будут ли они казнены или нет. Люди гибли вокруг него, в том числе и его собственный брат. В те времена война была очень личным делом. Ты стоял там с этим огромным мечом и слышал, как рвется плоть, когда ты убиваешь противника, сам, собственными руками. Требовалось немало отваги, чтобы встать напротив другого мужчины на поле битвы, а затем еще и еще раз". А бесконечные сексуальные сцены? "Да, в "Тюдорах" много секса. Но в Англии солнце садится в 4:30 после полудня, и не так уж много бараньих ножек ты можешь съесть за вечер. Секс скрашивал вечера. И помогал согреть постель". На этом интригующем замечании и заканчивается наша беседа. "У людей собственные представления обо мне, и они всегда будут такими. Я думаю, нужно иметь некую тьму и некий свет внутри себя, чтобы быть интересным". Сумев помочь Рис Майерсу провести несколько трезвых часов, я теперь точно знаю, что он имеет в виду. Гнусный типчик, как я погляжу, этот Крыс Салливан. Оторвать ему голову. Пойду награжу себя за труды рюмкой кофе.

анчоус: Кицунэ - молодечка! спасибо за труд

Кицунэ: Рада, что понравилось! На самом деле это было удовльствие


Вельвет: 1. Are there any similarities to Henry VIII? No, first I'm not a king and I' not arrogant. Henry was a bad politician, a mean husband and a bad father. 2. Is there a possibility to find the true love in the showbiz? It's not easy to find it, but it's much more complicated to keep it. He talks about Paul Newman and his wife…Paul Newman said one time "Why should I eat a burger, when I have a steak at home" 3. Did you find your steak? Maybe I like Burger much more. No, not really. First you like to have a burger and then you feel bad after eating it. 4. What was the most intensive moment of your life? Difficult, there were a lot of intensive moments. Some were good, some were sad, some frustrated and some satisfied. 5. Which one was satisfied? In moment I work in paris and I just keep a little moment for me to enjoy the time. It was only one second, but it was very precious. The same situation was in Buenos Aires for shooting Hugo Element. I just went up the street and enjoyed the moment. No stress, no pressure, only to be there. 6. You work a lot, how do you relax? I do a lot of wok out, go to the gym. I watch stupid shows in the TV. It's very funny to watch movies in a language you don't understand. Like in Paris. Sometimes I catch me while I watch an hour Al Jazeera. I read a lot like "I Claudius" from Robert Greens, "The name is red" from Orhan Parmuk. The book from Parmuk could be a good script for a movie, but it's to long for a movie. 7. You feel better in a big city or countryside? I grew up on the countryside, but since I'm 17 I travelled to the big cities. 8. So, you feel better in a city? It depends on environmend. The idea for the spot of Hugo is, to be a hard working man, who takes a break to find out who he is and where he is. From where he is and where he will go. Someone who breathe deeply. Someone who afford to life, who look at other people and listen to them. The fragrance have a breeze of freedom and pureness. 9. Do you have plans for a musician carrier? No, because than it's not longer only music, than it's a job. It's not easy to be in 26 cities in 26 nights. It's stressful. I'm not the guy who would like to travel by bus trough the country with a lot of other musicians around me. I never could share an apartment with another guy. 10. Why not? Men are messily. (laughed) I couldn't do it. I couldn't travel by bus with a lot of men all over the world 11. Are you tidy? Yes? You never suppose? But I couldn't enjoy my time, when my hotelroom or house is not tidy. When I come back in the night and my clothing lie in different rooms, I first put it into the wardrobe, before I go to bed. 12. You love to go to clubs? No. In Europe you are not allowed to smoke in the clubs. It's not fun for me to go every hour in front of the door to smoke. 13. You travel a lot. What do you carrying with you anytime? My Ipod. I never travel without my ipod. My cellphone and wallet. 14. Which kind of music you listen to on your ipod? Different. Blues, Rock, Zeppelin, Kings of Lion, Foul, Social Scene. I don't listen to R&B. But sometimes I listen to music from Jamaican rapper and irish music. 15. Do you have high hopes for Obama? It's to dangerous. Don't pressure this man. We all have to contribute. He is a good guy and the world need the right person at the head of the largest country in the world. http://jrmfansitemessageboard.yuku.com/reply/78921#reply-78921 Это интервью с Джонатаном из немецкого космо! За перевод на английский спасибо поклоннице Джонатанан с его английского форума)

Pauline: Кицунэ пишет: "Хотя огромное количество женщин может думать, что тискаться с Эваном МакГрегором – это лучшее, что может произойти в жизни, для меня это оказались не самые приятные кинематографические обжималки. Но, по меньшей мере, я был у него первым". какое чувство юмора!

Вельвет: Pauline пишет: какое чувство юмора! Майерс вообще отлично свои мысли излагает

Вельвет: Интервью с Джонатаном про Элвиса) http://movies.ign.com/articles/610/610558p1.html

Вельвет: Интервью с Джонатаном из итальянского Элль Here's the translation of ELLE interview. Sorry in advance for the mistakes. The man who understands women. JRM talks about himself. A little in Italian, a lot in English. And he reveals some of his techniques of seduction . Read and dream. (… He was wonderfully perfect, even more ..... ) How comes do you speak Italian? I have lived 8 months in Rome, while shooting a film in Cinecittà. We are here for the launch of your new scent. Let's talk quickly of it in order to understand how you use it. Si dai (in Italian) Where do you use it, how and when. Little drops, here and here (indicating behind the ears and the wrists). But little, eh? I do not want to become invasive , I like the equilibrium in everything. Have you ever happened to be in an elevator with a woman submerging you with the scent amount? Certainly and honestly it is a thing that I can't stand. In which "parts" a woman must be perfumed? The same ones of a man. Your first memory of a scent. My grandfather in Ireland that put on the after-shave Old Spice before to go out, an archaic smell and he sprayed it always too much. Do you remember that scent? To say the true don't ….Have you ever had a scene of love with an actress who ate too much garlic? No, thanks God. How would you behave? I would say nothing, I would support stoically. In silence. Besides that, when I work with someone I rather prefer to tell her how much is beautiful, good, because that helps the job on the set. Sometimes it is better to keep own opinions. Which type of woman appeals to you? Rather strong. How strong ? (He indicates the head). Strong here but also in the body. From a physical point of view I mean. Sinewy? Yes, without aspiring to world-wide title of culturist. I like athletic look , it' s not important if she beautiful , the important thing is she is smart, tough. Aesthetically? I have a weakness for exotic girls. And the Italians? Sure (In Italian) Beautiful. Well some are magnificent (it says it while he is leaning forward me and I found myself half stretched out on the chair in order to maintain the classic safety distance between interviewer and interviewed) Let's imagine that you have a first appointment with a Miss. Okey let's imagine of having a date with a young girl. What means young girl ? Not exactly 40 years old So let's put an age limit. No , it's enough that she is around my age: I am 31, even if the first woman I have had was 30 years older than me, I was 18 she was 48. How long did it last? Little (he bursts out laughing ) But at that age nothing last for long time. I was shooting a film in Spain and it was indeed a wonderful experience. But what do you organize if you have a gallant appointment? I'm not very good in these things and not even too much romantic, but I'll invite her to dinner or to go out for a walk. The worse place to go it is to the cinema. Warning: never take a woman to see a film because whogiveadamn of what it happens on the screen, what's the meaning to be seated for hours in a cinema, when you would have to be concentrated on her ? And therefore? I choose the dinner or the park. I let her speaks, expresses herself, says everything she has in mind, to free-wheel. I Sigh. I let him to continue as he would do. The ideal thing is to be in silence and to let her feels at ease. Give her the maximum attention, as if she was the only one on the planet . This is a very clever behavior, dear Jonathan…. Then if everything goes on well we arrive at the second appointment. And here… I speak all the time (and he bursts out laughing) But don't you take her to the cinema to see a movie of yours? Not, that at the third appointment, nay at that point we will pass at the action. Extreme situation: when JRM does not go beyond the second appointment? Are you asking me the wrong thing for definition, that thing you should never do with me? I have no one, even if I don't like the un-kind persons. A beautiful woman whotreats in rudely the waiter in a restaurant , for me is already an ended story. Are you kind with everyone? I try. I'm not perfect. But It's indispensable to try. Is there anything that you do not understand of women? If I was able to understand something of the women they would build me statues anywhere in the world (other laugh). I do not understand women, you are mysteries, but I love you. We men are on earth not to understand you but to discover you. And it is worth also for me.

Вельвет: Интервью с гламура Glamor: You have many Polish friends in Dublin. Jonathan Rhys Meyers: I worked with Kate in the film "From Paris With Love". I adore her. Because I am Irish, Polish, the concession of this right each and still playing. You are conscientious of the fact of now one third of periodicals of Ireland are published only in English? Glamor: Thus it is, probably already knows Polish jokes? Jonathan Rhys Meyers: Not, I sorry very. It must be good. Glamor: If somebody wanted make a film about your life, what would be the title? Jonathan Rhys Meyers: "It is not very early." Glamor: Career, love… Jonathan Rhys Meyers: Not so early per the morning. I am like the true zodiacal objectivo of Leo, and he always is late. One film about my life? This would be terrible. I know that this history is not susceptible of being interesting. Glamor: I think that for many of us it would be. Especially the part about the love. It has two years behind you said me that you do not have time for it, therefore you are centered in the career. Jonathan Rhys Meyers: That is what the people think of me, it is only one idea, a time that they decide what they want to see in me. Catch a thing of my CV, that is more adjusted for them and with basis of this creates my image. When I was a boy, I was ingenuous and the medias give much information, for example, a difficult infancy. When you look at for the famous people, actores and musicians, who come of modest origins, mainly when do not have money. When they grow in a rich family, with one another education, the parents want that you are a lawyer or doctor. But, for a actor without a school, you has that to find another way to reach the level of the people well-behaved. Then I thought, that saying all the truth, I would be more close to them. Now it is not the case. I do not go to say if it is or not, to meet with somebody or not, if I like or not, because history of magazines will become, and not personal. It is very difficult to find and to keep the love. Few had obtained. One of them was Paul Newman, that during 40 years had a wife that never betrayed. He said a time: "Because that I want a hamburger, if in house waits for me a succulent beefburger?". Glamor: What did give you pleasure? Jonathan Rhys Meyers: Practical sport and much reading. Watch TV. I like more than television stations that emit in a language that I do not understand. I watch Al Jazeera, because it always has emotive histories about dances. Recently I discovered an Italian television station who emits "Stripping Housewives" - it is based on the fact of that governess makes striptease. This program can be really bad, and worse, it is more exciting. Glamor: Al Jazeera is very associate with the attacks. Apparently, a bomb blew up in Buenos Aires when you was there for filming Hugo Element? Jonathan Rhys Meyers: It finished to launch me in bed and I saw the notice in the television: "The city attacked and in fire." You know as this information always is increased of more drama for the journalists. In the truth, I heard shots and it broke a tank with gasoline. But these dealers had really not been so terrible. It did not have no threat for us. Glamor: Josh Hartnett, James Franco, Matthew McConaughey use equal aromas that you use. This give one injection of money, but also a certain image. Jonathan Rhys Meyers: And which is my image? Glamor: Divine. Jonathan Rhys Meyers: Thanks. But this is only the vision. My image is constantly to move. Now I play horrible… I am terrible… Frightful…. Cruel… Glamor: Here for we, what you say, only make with that you are more sexy. To sing, to play instruments, can be time for a musical career? Jonathan Rhys Meyers: Ah, not, because it would be my work. Famously I would go to play in a stadium with 25 a thousand people and to only cry out for us - But for a night. But when you pass 26 states in 26 days, it will leave so of being amused. And, beyond that I could not live with other musicians, because they are untidy. Glamor: And you is arranged? Jonathan Rhys Meyers: Probably yes. I cannot function when my room is untidy. Thus, for example if I will have been invited and go to a club, after that, in the way of the night everything is arranged and clean again. My position has to remain in the order established for me, because I cannot disconcentrate me. Glamor: Many times, in the way of the night? Nocturnal clubs? Jonathan Rhys Meyers: I do not go the clubs, especially in the Europe, because I cannot smoke in the same ones. And which is the meaning to go pubs, if you cannot smoke a cigarette?

Вельвет: “The hardest part about playing Henry has always been the hardest part about playing Henry. It’s not like when I played Elvis or even ‘Match Point’ where I could look in the mirror and I could see the character. I can’t look in the mirror and see Henry. I have to see my own version of Henry." —Jonathan Rhys Meyers on trying to find his inner Henry VIII for The Tudors http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2009/03/quote_machine_28.html

Кицунэ: Это FAQ о Джонатане Рис Майерсе, приведенные на сайте http://www.jrmfansite.org 1. Куда я могу отправить письмо Джонатану? Любые письма поклонников приветствуются Джонатаном и его командой. Будьте терпеливы, так как ответ, возможно, придется ждать долго. Пожалуйста, укажите свой email вместе с адресом и отправьте письмо сюда: Jonathan Rhys Meyers Buttevant County Cork Ireland Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что здесь не указан почтовый индекс Ирландии, однако это полный и правильный адрес для писем Джонатану (Ирландия – маленькая страна, каждый почтальон знает Джонатана Рис Майерса – прим. переводчика). 2. Как произносится Rhys? Rhys Meyers – это настоящая фамилия? Произносится "Рис". Джонатан начал свою актерскую карьеру под именем Jonathan Rhys-Myers. Позже, продолжая сниматься, он по неизвестным нам причинам добавил "е" к "Myers" и убрал дефис. 3. Есть ли у Джонатана email? MySpace? LiveJournal? Никто из людей, знающих настоящий email Джонатана, никогда не даст вам настолько личной информации. Безусловно, и на MySpace, и в LiveJournal существуют странички субъектов, выдающих себя за Джонатана. Не дайте себя одурачить, это фальшивки. 4. Является ли [имя впишите сами] девушкой Джонатана Рис Майерса? Джонатан встречается со студенткой из Лондона Риной Хаммер, и эти отношения длятся, иногда прерываясь, на протяжении четырех лет. Более глубокое копание в сплетнях о личной жизни Джонатана не является целью этого сайта. Пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь посетить JRMfansite’s message forum, где вы можете найти множество дискуссий на эту сверхпопулярную тему. 5. Является ли Мэттью Рис (Matthew Rhys) братом Джонатана? Мэттью Рис играл брата персонажа Джонатана в фильме "Титус" ("Тит – повелитель Рима" в одном из русских переводов). На самом деле братьями актеры не являются. 6. Кто настоящие братья Джонатана? У Джонатана есть трое младших братьев: Джейми, Алан и Пол. Они занимаются не кино, а музыкой. Все трое вместе играли в нескольких группах, включая "Suzy’s Field" и The OK’s. Джейми также был замечен играющим ударника группы в "Августе Раше" рядом со своим старшим братом Джонатаном. 7. Откуда у Джонатана шрамы на лице? На груди? Хотя эти шрамы не так уж заметны (один из них – на лбу) и для журналов обычно затираются в фотошопе, о них постоянно спрашивают. Джонатан заполучил их в детстве. Падение со стула и все такое. Ничего достойного обсуждения. Более поздний шрам находится в середине груди. Это шрам, оставшийся после оперирования язвы в 2003 году. 8. Как обстоят дела с его сердцем? Джонатан родился со слабым сердцем и должен был провести несколько первых месяцев жизни в больнице. Он сам говорил об этом в интервью: "Да. У меня было больное сердце и очень слабые почки, так что меня продержали семь месяцев в дублинском госпитале св. Джеймса, где я родился. Я лежал в инкубаторе" (Hot Press, December 2002). Он также утверждает, что на самом деле ему не следует так много курить, но, тем не менее, курить продолжает. 9. Почему Джонатан не снимался в [сами подставьте название]? Кандидатуру Джонатана рассматривали и его самого приглашали на роли во множестве фильмов, таких, как "Неукротимые сердца" ("All The Pretty Horses"), "Королева проклятых"("Queen of the Damned") и "Завтрак на Плутоне" ("Breakfast on Pluto"). Он либо не захотел принять участия в съемках, либо не получил роль. 10. Это Джонатан поет в саундреке к "Velvet Goldmine"? Да. Джонатан поет "Baby’s On Fire" and "Tumbling Down". Он также поет "The Ballad of Maxwell Demon" and "Sebastian" в фильме. В саундреке представлена другая версия "The Ballad", записанная "Shudder to Think". "Sebastian'а" в саундтреке вообще нет. 11. Действительно ли Джонатан поет в "Августе Раше" и нет ли у него музыкального альбома? Да, это на самом деле поет он. В саундтрек включены песни, которые он исполняет в фильме, но собственного альбома у Джонатана нет. В настоящий момент у него нет планов записывать какие-либо песни. Он интересуется музыкой и, в общем, не вычеркивает для себя такую возможность, но в фокусе его внимания по-прежнему находится кино. 12. Какой рост у Джонатана? Это еще одна тема для споров. Джонатан очень стройный мужчина и не так уж высок по сравнению с большинством актеров. Можно предположить, что его рост приблизительно 1,75 м – 1,80 м. 13. Какого цвета у него глаза? Поклонники часто обсуждают цвет его глаз. Иногда они голубые… в другой раз они кажутся зелеными или орехово-коричневыми. Это зависит от фотографии, освещения и оттенка его одежды, так что цвет глаз Джонатана по-прежнему остается загадкой. 14. Откуда он родом? Что у него за акцент? Джонатан родился в Дублине, но вырос в графстве Корк, Ирландия. Его акцент не так силен, как обычный акцент уроженцев Корка. Как только он начал сниматься, он постарался смягчить и ослабить его. Вы можете услышать настоящий акцент Джонатана в фильме "Играй как Бекхэм". 15. Джонатан - гей? Несмотря на то, что Джонатан не гей, он очень свободно мыслящая личность. Он замечал в ряде интервью, что умеет ценить мужскую красоту и вовсе не намерен осуждать чью-либо сексуальность. Он играл геев и бисексуалов в разнообразных фильмах и не имеет никаких проблем с изображением гомо- или гетеросексуальных любовных сцен. 16. Где Джонатан живет? Джонатан подолгу живет в Лондоне, когда у него нет съемок в других частях мира. Своим домом он обычно называет съемочную площадку. Он по-прежнему посещает Корк, где может провести время с семьей и друзьями. Ему также принадлежит усадьба в Испании и дом в Лос-Анджелесе. 17. Разве не должен Джонатан был сняться в [подставьте название]? IMDB и другие киносайты часто называют фильмы, в которых Джонатан мог бы принять участие или в которых продюсеры хотели бы его видеть. Иногда кинопроекты, к которым он имел отношение, приостанавливаются из-за финансовых проблем. Даже после того, как информация о его неучастии в съемках бывает подтверждена, на многих сайтах остаются неверные упоминания о его фильмографии. Чтобы развеять наиболее распространенные заблуждения, подчеркнем: Джонатан не подписывал контрактов и не снимался в фильмах "The Last Unicorn" и "Adina". Оба проекта предполагали его участие, но ни один из фильмов не завершен на сегодняшний момент.


Кицунэ: Вельвет Всегда пожалуйста!

Вельвет: Кицунэ тебе работка))) Если будет желание и время))) Пара новых интервью с Джонатаном) In real life, King Henry VIII was a fat, gross English king whose subjects were too terrified of his explosive temper to tell him just how fat and gross he really was. But Irish actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers, the man who plays him on Showtime's hit drama The Tudors, is cut from a handsomer, friendlier cloth. In addition to his obvious screen appeal, the 31-year-old can sing (he performed two songs in Velvet Goldmine), has extremely chiseled cheekbones (he's the face of Versace and Hugo Boss fragrance) and might be seen at your local Wal-Mart. Time Out New York: You're the prettiest guy to ever grace this back page. Have you always been this freaking pretty? Jonathan Rhys Meyers: The prettiest? Wow, thank you. No, I was a fairly regular kid. I was scrawny. Is that code for "I got beaten up a lot"? That only happens in Hardy Boys books. No one picked on me for my lunch money. Probably because it was the 1980s and no one had lunch money. These days, is your life like an Axe commercial, in which women just undress and throw themselves at you? Nothing like that happens. When you're a young actor and you're not yet successful, you'd imagine things like that would happen. Like you're getting into this incredible bubble where everything is fabulous and the world is just rosy. But actually, nothing changes. Growing up, were you interested in 16th-century history? It was one of my only good subjects in school. But the show's been modernized for a 21st-century audience. I learned what was necessary to play the role. The difficult part is that I'm playing a man who I look nothing like. Yeah, Henry VIII wasn't nearly as pretty as you. He also wasn't exactly the best person. God, of course he's not the best person. So many things he did were ridiculous. Some of them were very terrible. And he made some silly political mistakes: He should have never divorced Catherine of Aragon. He could've saved himself from a lot of problems. How do you think the king and Barack Obama would have gotten along in present time? I'm not quite sure Obama would like Henry that much, though I'm not quite sure Henry would like Obama either. They're very different leaders in a very different political age, but if they bumped into each other in, say, Moe's Diner and neither were political leaders, they probably wouldn't like each other in that case, either. Watching the show, it's easy to get wrapped up in the way they dressed, talked and behaved in those times. It's all a fantasy. If we did everything Henry did, it couldn't be on TV because it'd be way too boring. Henry went through three or four hours of ceremonies every morning just eating breakfast and going to the bathroom. And remember, Henry VIII was the first king to put a bath in his castle. They were not the cleanest of people. It may look fabulous in super high-def on a 68-inch screen, but in reality, it was a very dirty, stinky, syphilitic age. Very dirty. You said on Ellen DeGeneres that filming The Tudors' many sex scenes is like doing it in Wal-Mart. Personal experience? No! If you were going to, which department would you do it in? It depends on which department the girl works in. It'd have to be with somebody who works in Wal-Mart. Why would I have sex in a Wal-Mart otherwise? I have this visual of people in corsets and funny pants pulling up to Wal-Mart to pick up groceries. It would make a funny picture. I made a film years ago with Ang Lee [Ride with the Devil]; we were in the Midwest and went to Wal-Mart. There were a lot of Amish dressed in their typical clothes, and it was so extraordinary to see them because they looked so out of place, it was ridiculous. But I was really more fascinated that you could buy a gun and Cheerios at the same time. Can you not do that in Ireland? Absolutely not. In any circumstance you cannot possess a handgun in Ireland. It's too dangerous—you'll just be shooting everyone. I know they say, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people," and there's a lot of truth in that, but people still use bats and knives and stuff. Shooting a gun just means that you don't have to get up too close. http://newyork.timeout.com/articles/hot-seat/72976/jonathan-rhys-meyers-the-tudors-hot-seat-interview

Вельвет: Jonathan Rhys Meyers is back on the throne (and in the bedroom) as Henry VIII in Showtime's hit The Tudors. And he's getting a bevy of new beauties to prove that the legendary king was a sexy guy. And in person, the darkly attractive Irishman fits the bill. Q: You've taken some flack for not matching up to Henry's traditional physical image as an overweight redhead. A: I've played him my way. I could have dyed my hair red and gained extra weight or put on a fat suit. But then the role becomes something that's already been done by other actors. I hope I've made King Henry my own. I had to make his ambition bigger than anybody else's. Q: Did you connect with that? A: I can be intolerably jealous and I think that's what's driven me. My ambition knows no end. I have to be really honest about it. If another actor gets a good role, I'm furious. In my mind, I've crucified more actors than I care to imagine for their success. Going after a part in Hollywood is like being a gladiator in ancient Rome. When it comes down to getting a role, you don't have any friends, you're incredibly competitive and any actor who tells you different is lying. Q: This season you're once again surrounded by beautiful co-stars. A: Yes, it's the toughest part of the job. Jane Seymour is played by the elegant and gorgeous Annabelle Wallis who replaces Anita Briem. And then Joss Stone who is wonderful as Anne of Cleves. See photos of Tudors co-star and singing sensation Joss Stone Q: Ironically, Joss had to put her sexiness on hold to play Anne, who Henry found rather ugly and unappealing. A: Anne was not as unattractive as history has portrayed her. But she wasn't exactly gorgeous either. She just wasn't Henry's cup of tea. There was no chemistry from the moment they met. Joss was great in the role but even without make-up she still looked beautiful. So it does seem a little strange that Henry rejects her sexually because he just isn't into her. They'd head for the bedroom and she'd go to sleep and he'd reach for a milk maid. Q: Fans of the series who look forward to scenes of passion won't be disappointed. Is it getting any easier to make love on camera? A: It was never tough from the beginning. I take care of myself so I don't feel insecure about my body. When the camera rolls you can't be pussyfooting around. But once they say, 'Cut,' then you cover up your co-star with a robe and try to be as gentlemanly as possible. I'm always very comfortable. There are worse things you could do with yourself on a rainy day in Dublin than hop into bed with a beautiful actress. Q: Was there really that much heavy breathing going on in the royal bedroom? A: People were much more sexually gregarious in the 15th century than they are today. Sex was what you did when the sun went down. But having said that, I'm sure that those moments of passion don't hurt our ratings either. Q: You not only do your own sex scenes in Tudors, you do a lot of your own stunts, don't you? A: I've done my own horse riding for the most part. They kept me out of the final moment of a jousting scene just in case I'd get badly beaten up. I love the physicality. It's very much boys' time, you know? I'm into physical sports anyway and I go to the gym a lot, so it was all good. I kind of enjoyed that element of Henry. It would be dull if he was just sitting around on thrones, eating and drinking, and, of course, having sex. Q: As Henry's reign continues, he's not exactly a happy man, is he? A: I don't think six marriages would make any man happy. Furthermore, if you observe anybody who comes into power -- whether it be a king, a president or a prime minister -- you see how young and fresh they look when they enter into office and how hardened and cynical they are when they leave. But Henry was also the rock star of his time because if you weren't in Henry's court, you were nobody. http://www.nj.com/celebrity-news/index.ssf/2009/04/jonathan_rhys_meyers_talks_tud.html

Вельвет: Ещё интервью оно большое потому выложу ссылку на него http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv/2009/04/05/2009-04-05_rhys_meyers_rises_again_as_reign_man_in_.html?page=0 И ещё одно большое) http://deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,705295024,00.html

Кицунэ: Вельвет пишет: Кицунэ тебе работка))) Если будет желание и время))) Пара новых интервью с Джонатаном) Желания предостаточно! Со временем хуже... Но переводить буду обязательно!

Вельвет: Кицунэ У меня тоже со временем беда полная((( Только успеваю читать!

Кицунэ: Вельвет Почему в России нет супермаркетов "Wal-Mart"?!! Кому подать петицию?!!! Интервью Time Out New York В реальной жизни Генрих VIII был толстым и грубым английским королем , чьи наклонности были слишком пугающими, а характер – слишком взрывным, чтобы кто-либо мог сказать ему, насколько толст и груб он в действительности. Но ирландский актер Джонатан Рис Майерс, играющий Генриха в популярной драме "Тюдоры", вылеплен из другого теста. Он дружелюбен, красив, у него точеные скулы (тридцатиоднолетний актер является лицом Versace и парфюма Hugo Boss), в придачу к своей несомненной экранной притягательности, умеет петь (он исполнил две песни в "Velvet Goldmine") и может быть замечен вами в ближайшем супермаркете "Wal-Mart". Time Out New York: Вы самый привлекательный парень, который когда либо украшал собой страницы исторических хроник. Вы всегда были так чертовски хороши? Jonathan Rhys Meyers: Самый привлекательный? Вау, спасибо. Нет, я был совершенно обычным ребенком. Я был тощим. Это шифр для "меня часто колотили"? Такое случается только в книжках серии "Hardy Boys". Никто не отбирал у меня денег на обед. Возможно, потому, что это происходило в 90-х, когда ни у кого не было денег на обед. А в настоящее время ваша жизнь похожа на рекламу "Axe", в которой женщины просто раздеваются и набрасываются на вас? Ничего подобного не происходит. Когда вы начинаете свою актерскую карьеру и еще не имеете успеха, вы можете воображать, что с вами это случится. Словно вы попадете в невероятный пузырь, внутри которого все изумительно и мир усыпан розами. Как ни странно, ничего не меняется. Когда вы были подростком, вы интересовались историей 16-го столетия? Это единственный школьный предмет, в котором я был хорош. Однако сериал осовременен для зрителей 21-го века. Я выучил то, что было необходимо для моей роли. Трудность состоит в том, что я играю мужчину, на которого совершенно не похож. Да, Генрих VIII даже близко не был так красив, как вы. Он, к тому же, был далеко не лучшим человеком. Боже, конечно он не был лучшим человеком. Многие его поступки просто смешны. Некоторые из них действительно ужасны. И он совершил несколько глупых политических ошибок: так, ему нельзя было разводиться с Екатериной Арагонской. Он мог избежать множества проблем. Как, по вашему мнению, в наши дни король поладил бы с Бараком Обамой? Я не уверен, что Бараку Обаме так уж понравился бы Генрих, к тому же, не уверен, что и Обама понравился бы Генриху. Они очень разные правители очень разных политических эпох, и если бы они столкнулись, скажем, в баре "Moe's Diner", и ни один из них не был бы политическим лидером, они, вероятно, все равно не понравились бы друг другу. Просматривая сериал, мы буквально погружаемся в ту эпоху: костюмы, беседы, манера вести себя... Все это лишь вымысел. Если бы мы делали то, что делал Генрих, телесериала не вышло бы, это слишком скучно. Генрих проводил в церемониях по три-четыре часа каждое утро, просто завтракая или отправляясь в ванную. И вспомните, что Генрих VIII был первым королем, кто завел ванную у себя в замке. Люди той эпохи не могли похвастаться чистотой. Это может выглядеть чудесно на хорошем 68-дюймовом экране, но в реальности 16-й век был очень грязной, зловонной и сифилитической эпохой. Очень грязной. Вы говорили Эллен ДеДженерес, что сниматься во многочисленных сексуальных сценах "Тюдоров" все равно, что что заниматься любовью в супермаркете "Wal-Mart". Личный опыт? Нет! Если бы вы собрались это сделать, то какой отдел выбрали бы? Это зависело бы от того, в каком отделе работает девушка. Это произошло бы с кем-то, кто работает в "Wal-Mart". Иначе зачем мне заниматься сексом в супермаркете? Представляю себе всех этих людей в корсетах и забавных штанах, подтягивающихся к "Wal-Mart", чтобы затариться бакалеей. Это было бы забавной картинкой. Довольно давно, когда я снимался у Энга Ли ("Погоня с дьяволом"), мы были на Среднем Западе и отправились в "Wal-Mart". В супермаркете было множество эмишей (или амишей: представителей ортодоксального течения, не признающего прогресс и ведущих такую же в точности жизнь, как их немецкие предки вели чуть ли не в 18-м веке – с чепцами, конными тарантасами и при свечах, – Кицунэ), одетых в их типичные костюмы. Это было так необычно, выглядели они настолько неуместно, что было смешно. Но я был гораздо более удивлен тем, что здесь можно купить ружье и кукурузные хлопья одновременно. В Ирландии не так? Совершенно не так. В Ирландии вы ни при каких обстоятельствах не можете владеть огнестрельным оружием. Это слишком опасно – вы просто начнете стрелять во всех подряд. Я знаю, что говорят: "Ружья не убивают людей, люди убивают людей", – и в этих словах много правды, но люди до сих пор используют дубинки, ножи и тому подобное. Стрелять из ружья просто значит, что вам не понадобится подходить слишком близко.

Вельвет: Кицунэ пишет: Почему в России нет супермаркетов "Wal-Mart"? Наверное потому что тут не водиться Рис-Майерс Майерс просто душка

sunshine reggae: у журналистки такие вопросы были, как будто она была готова к изнасилованию Джоньки

Вельвет: sunshine reggae пишет: у журналистки такие вопросы были, как будто она была готова к изнасилованию Джоньки А может эт был журналист?

sunshine reggae: так даже интересней

Кицунэ: Продолжим. Джонатан Рис Майерс говорит о "Тюдорах", сексе и актерской ревности Интервью Parade.com, 01.04.2009 Джонатан Рис Майерс возвращается на трон (и в спальню) в качестве Генриха VIII из Showtimовского хита "Тюдоры". Его сопровождает компания новых красоток, призванных подтвердить, что легендарный король был сексуальным парнем. И опасно притягательный ирландец сам подходит под это определение. Вас иногда критикуют за физическое несходство с Генрихом, имевшим, например, рыжие волосы. Я играю его по-своему. Я мог бы перекрасить волосы в рыжий цвет и набрать лишний вес или надеть костюм с толстинками. Но тогда роль стала бы чем-то, что уже делали другие актеры. Я надеюсь, что создаю свой собственный образ Генриха. Я должен был изобразить его амбиции более мощно, чем кто бы то ни было. Это похоже на вас? Я могу быть невыносимо ревнивым, и думаю, именно это чувство движет меня вперед. Мои амбиции не имеют предела. Я должен быть предельно честен, говоря об этом. Если другой актер получает хорошую роль, я бешусь. В моем воображении я чаще разрываю на куски других актеров, чем представляю себе их успех. Пробивать себе дорогу в Голливуде – все равно, что быть гладиатором в Древнем Риме. Когда дело доходит до получения роли, становишься невероятно агрессивным, и любой актер, который скажет вам обратное, солжет. В этом сезоне вы снова окружены прелестными партнершами. Да, и это самая трудная часть работы. Джейн Сеймур играет изысканная и прекрасная Аннабель Уоллис, сменившая Аниту Брим. А затем появится Джосс Стоун, изумительная в роли Анны Клевской. Забавно, что Джосс должна была скрыть свою сексуальность, чтобы сыграть Анну, которую Генри нашел уродливой и лишенной обаяния. Анна, как описывают ее историки, не была непривлекательной. Однако не была она и эффектной. Она просто оказалась не во вкусе Генриха, между ними не возникло химии, когда они встретились. Джосс была замечательна в этой роли, но даже без макияжа она выглядела прекрасной, так что сексуальное пренебрежение Генриха, нашедшего ее не в своем вкусе, выглядело немного странно. Они прошествовали в спальню, и Анна заснула, а Генрих отправился по горничным. Фаны сериала, с нетерпением ожидающие любовных сцен, не будут разочарованы. Со временем становится легче изображать секс перед камерой? Это с самого начала не было для меня трудным. Я слежу за собой, и поэтому не чувствую неуверенности в отношении своего тела. Когда работает камера, не время быть стеснительным, но когда произносят: "Снято!" – ты укрываешь свою партнершу халатом и стараешься вести себя настолько уважительно, насколько возможно. Я всегда чувствую себя совершенно свободно. В дождливый день в Дублине есть занятия и похуже, чем прыгнуть в кровать с хорошенькой актрисой. Действительно ли так часто можно было услышать тяжелое дыхание в королевской спальне? Люди были значительно более сексуально раскованны в 15-м столетии, чем сегодня. Чем и занимались после захода солнца, так это сексом. Однако, говоря так, я вовсе не собираюсь принизить наши собственные достижения в этой области. Вы не только лично снимались в сексуальных сценах, но и сами выполняли трюки? Я ездил верхом, в основном. Мне не разрешали участвовать в финальных моментах рыцарских поединков, чтобы я не получил серьезных травм. Я люблю физические упражнения. Это было хорошее время для мужчин, знаете ли. Я интересуюсь спортом и часто хожу в спортзал, так что с этим у меня все было в порядке. Я получал особое удовольствие от этой части жизни Генриха; было бы глупо, если бы он только сидел на троне, ел, пил и, конечно же, занимался сексом. На протяжении своего правления был ли Генрих счастлив? Я не думаю, что шесть браков могут сделать человека счастливым. Кроме того, если вы наблюдаете за человеком, занимающим высший пост, – будь то король, президент или премьер-министр, – вы можете заметить, каким молодо и естественно он выглядит, едва придя ко власти, и насколько более жестким и циничным покидает свой пост. Однако Генрих был к тому же и рок-звездой своего времени: если вы не были при дворе Генриха, вы были никем. Нет, я его обожаю. Умница, с замечательным чувством юмора, вежлив с дамами, против ношения оружия да еще и стихи пишет...

Вельвет: Кицунэ НУ ТЕБЕ ПРОСТО НЕ ТО ЧТО 5 С ПЛЮСОМ))) ТЫЩУ)))))

Вельвет: Кицунэ пишет: В дождливый день в Дублине есть занятия и похуже, чем прыгнуть в кровать с хорошенькой актрисой

Кицунэ: Вельвет пишет: Спасибо! Это очень славное занятие - озвучивать Джонатана

Вельвет: Кицунэ пишет: Это очень славное занятие - озвучивать Джонатана Это точно))))

Лэйли: Кицунэ спасибо за перевод!

Вельвет: Новое интервью с Джонатаном Question time with Jonathan Rhys Meyers Easy ride: Actor Jonathan Ryhs Meyers says he got into the industry because it was 'soft money' Irish actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers, 31, is best known for his roles in The Tudors, in which he played Henry VIII, Bend It Like Beckham and Mission: Impossible III. He lives between London, Los Angeles and Dublin, and is currently single. Why did you want to act? Because it was soft money. What was your first acting job? A Knorr soup commercial. I was 15 years old and I got �500 for two hours work. The next thing was my first lead role in the film The Disappearance Of Finbar. I got a big cheque for hanging out on a film set and acting. I was 17. What boy is not going to say, 'I'll do this?' When did you realise that you actually liked it? When I was on the set of Michael Collins, in which I played the Irish rebel leader's assassin. It wasn't the acting, it was the atmosphere. I was on the set with the film's director, Neil Jordan, and it's leading men, Liam Neeson and Alan Rickman – and there was such a buzz about it. You've said you've never taken any acting lesson No, and I never would. The reality is that you either have it or you don't. You can't learn it. What does it take to be a good actor? You don't have to be the best looking person; you don't even have to be the most talented, you just have to be interesting. That's what it comes down to, you're either interesting or you're not. But you also need luck. If Al Pacino was starting out in the industry today, do you think he'd be successful as he is? I don't. In the 1970s, when he made his name, he was able to play characters that allowed him to shine. These days, you just don't get chances like that. At the same time, it's easier to become famous. Celebrity has lost its value – all you have to do is go on a reality TV show for six weeks and everybody knows your name. Did you enjoy playing Henry VIII? It was difficult because I'm never going to look like him. I told the producers that if they wanted me to put on weight, dye my hair red and put on a big beard, then they'd better get someone else. The reality is that viewers don't want to see an obese, red-haired guy on a TV series. I mean, I wouldn't like to see somebody who looked like Henry when he was older having sex. Jonathan Rhys Meyers in a scene from television programme The Tudors Jonathan Rhys Meyers in a scene from television programme The Tudors, with Natalie Dormer playing Anne Boleyn. 'No one wants to see an obese-red haired guy on TV,' the actor commented of his portrayal of the king Now, certain people such as historians have a problem with that, and that's fair enough, but nobody can tell me that how I played Henry isn't right, because I think that the way I played him is probably a hell of a lot closer to history than many people would like to admit – he was an egotistical, spoilt brat. The next instalment of the series is just as Henry is about to marry his third wife, Jane Seymour. Yes, he's marrying the perfect wife for him, and he's learned that he doesn't need an Anne Boleyn – another partner in crime to help him take over the world. He just needs a wonderful, supportive wife to take care of him when he comes home from a hard day beheading people. Jane is all of that: amiable, sophisticated, beautiful, and he's very happy with her. But then fate comes into it, and she dies in childbirth, which was Henry's fault – not because he gave her a child, but because he gave her syphilis. Like Henry, you're known for being a bit of a bad boy… Oh, I'm nothing like as naughty as people think I am. I don't hang out with movie stars, and you won't see me going to many Hollywood parties. I'm actually quite boring. A scene featuring Keira Knightley and Jonathan Rhys Meyers from the film Bend It Like Beckham. Parminder Nagra and Keira Knightley play Jess and Jules, team-mates competing for the love of their coach, Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Jonathan Rhys Meyers starred as the football coach in the film Bend It Like Beckham, where Keira Knightley (above) and Parminder Nagra were players fighting for his affections What's your idea of a good time? You know what I like to do on a Sunday morning? Clean my house. I really enjoy it; it's my ritual. I require tidiness, actually. I have to have everything spotless before I can relax. It's probably a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder in me – but it's just part of who I am. Have your good looks held you back as a character actor? I don't think people ever saw me as a character actor. I'm a pretty boy. I've never done a film where they uglied me up, unlike Jude Law, who will hunt for a role that makes him ugly because he has to get away from his matinee idol look. Do you need a certain amount of vanity to be an actor? Of course. All acting is narcissism in some way. Am I a narcissistic person? Absolutely. Am I vain? Absolutely. It's not brave to admit that, it's reality. Any actor tells you they're not vain is lying. What do you think about marriage? I think the saying that a man is only as good as the woman on his arm is true, and so, if you have a good partner, one who is supportive, smart, caring, and loving, then, yeah, you can become a much better man for it. No six wives for you, then? Good lord, no. I'm a one woman guy. I think that if you can find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, you should marry them instantly, and try to stay married. All those times Henry got married just ended up ruining his life in the end. I'd rather be happily married than be a king, any day. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1180855/Question-time-Jonathan-Rhys-Meyers.html

Вельвет: ААА!!! Свеженькое интервью с Мурем Act in new film 2010 will be released "Mary, Mother of Christ," a film based on biblical stories, in which Jonathan Rhys Meyers will perform the Archangel Gabriel and Lucifer. This epic production based on the bible will focus on the character of Mary, the mother of Christ, to be interpreted and played by actress Camilla Belle. Тhe cast also includes Peter O'Toole of and probably could close talks with Jessica Lange and Al Pacino. Metro Goldwin Meyer plans to launch the film worldwide in April next year on Good Friday. He completed his rehabilitation After a few days, was discharged. This great actor has serious problems with alcohol. Already he has been seen repeatedly by scandals in a state of drunkenness. That is why since 2005 until now has three times to detoxification centers. The first days of March this year he joined one of these centers voluntarily. After two weeks he was discharged. He is now trying to occupy his mind to something and get out fast for this. Jonathan has been very successful since it plays an evil and seductive murderer in the movie "Match Point." Today is the image of the male fragrance from Hugo Boss Suppose to be put Hugo by Hugo Boss before leaving home. ”Never promote anything that I do not buy. " This is the first time that a celebrity fragrance chooses to advertise. Why do you think you have drawn? "I guess because I try to be brave with my interpretations, lead to the limit. I've worked with authentic freethinkers. And I'm the face that used to shape their stories, it is understandable that a company like Hugo, for a free and independent spirit, go to someone like me. " Hugo irreverence smell.What he has done more irreverent? "I just interpret the king of England. I suppose that, as Irish, is what it could do more irreverent. " The firm represents the 'healthy men'. Do you identify with him? "Yes, I worry about my health. My home also has an effect: I grew up in a small town in Ireland [Cork] in something unhealthy. I like what healthy. Other ad campaigns that emphasize the heroin chic or decadent. Hugo bid to force the energy. And that attracted me particularly. " There is a saying that Irish concerns grew that the country based on potatoes. "[Laughter] And it's true! I am made of boiled potatoes. Laugh now, but the children of Jonathan Rhys Meyers was not easy. A persistent rumor suggests that his parents took him to an orphanage as a baby, while the actor insists that it is just a fantasy. In any case, after a divorce while he was still a child, Jonathan was raised on the streets of a working class district, was expelled from a strict religious school and he lost 16 years by the clubs in town. Until one day she filed for a casting in a local pool. A few months later made his first ad for Knorr soups. In the film premiered as a murderer in Michael Collins, and took off as a glamorous icon, thanks to a transcript of David Bowie in Velvet Goldmine, Todd Haynes on. Long before, when he was just 19 years, we see him as an endearing efebo edible in the fantasy genre bodrio Spanish language called killer. "Uncle, you can believe that I have not seen yet? Please get a copy, send me. " Think London for Mecca change Hollywood, but until recently, Jonathan Rhys Meyers was concerned to leave behind something else: an ambiguous image that prevented access to papers caliber. " Their fear of not being recognized for some papers to him obsessed with exercise. Have you managed to break its image of androgynous actor? "Every time you get a new idea of yourself and promote it. And so I did with Velvet Goldmine, which operates all my androginia then I rained similar offers, but I'm not interested in repeating myself. And then came Bend It Like Beckham, where he played a sweet boy near. Always growing. I focused much of this growth exercising. It is very difficult when you have adult roles veintipocos, because you are not yet a teenager and you are considered a man. I am convinced that any actor will not reach their best roles until the mid-thirties. That's when you can apply all your experience to the benefit of a story. I think of Hugh Jackman and George Clooney, who did not achieve success until well past 30. " The turning point came with 'Match Point', both in his career as in the picture. "Making an actor in Woody Allen confirms you as an artist. That a film has been so successful and so different as it is, you qualify as someone who has their own voice. That is what drives other people to say, "Yes, I want this guy in my movie." Or in this case, the campaign of Hugo. " He also stars in the Versace campaign, one of the insignia of opulence in the fashion world. Do you think it can embody two very different minds at the same time? "Of course. As an actor you should have different records, such as ad-man, too. So I was interested in making this campaign Hugo, because it represents an independent spirit, free thinker, bright and brave.And to complement it with something as obvious as decadent and chic Versace. These are just two sides of my personality. " It is well known that for Versace is surrounded by a circle of safety, even in private parties. Have you managed to pass it? [Smiles] Of course. The bodyguards are more reasonable people of what is generally thought. In addition, Donatella never let anyone who would not want it passed this circle. " He has always avoided public life. Are you worried that the 'glam' it absorbed? "I have never raised" oh, I shall lead a life full of glamor, but when I'm in a situation like this I try to enjoy it. I am clear that this has nothing to do with my life. While down to buy milk at the corner store, so good. Imagine that you succeed, and suddenly, people give you things and you win more money account before you start out with industry people, actresses, models ... And you forget what you really became a special person: your ability to connect with the guy who travels by bus every day. If this does not feel identified with you probably do not go to the cinema and want to smell like you. " But it is possible that the bus is in your face that adorns the bodywork. "You better! If such recognition and I was left with the scent, I will have earned the wages. " Why do you think the fashion and beauty come to a celebrity rather than a model to advertise? "It is very difficult to connect the product with the lifestyle of a model. Seeing a celebrity provides a connection, perceive their lives.Hugo smell the fragrance of the success of the young protagonist of the film by Woody Allen or the spirit of co-Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible III. " Does the mere fact of putting a face to the signature requires him to choose a certain type of paper? ”No, no. I do not have to choose roles necessarily positive, but to interpret well. Nor do I have to follow a life style to represent the product. That's why I do this: Hugo does not have to change anything for me and I have nothing to change Hugo. We are very comfortable together. " And you accomplished what change to give their image, apart from a lot of money? "Never do anything just for money. This is a global campaign, which means that a certain type of audience will identify me better. So, I helped my film career to be the face of the fragrance from Hugo? Yes Has my advertising career I chose for some of my recent papers? Yes, everything is complementary. And the work, arranging follow. What are the men who have inspired her personal style? "John Galliano, Dirk Bogarde, Peter O'Toole, The Leopard, by Visconti, Wong Kar Wai. I am surprised that no mention of any rock star, you have embodied in several different films throughout his career. Interpreting Elvis gave me a revelation. Chet Baker, Miles Davis, Jimi Hendrix ... None of these men never pursued a style, it happened quite the contrary: the style they persecuted them. " http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=http://puntarenasmagazine.elpuerto.co.cr/%3Fp%3D4559&prev=http://blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch%3Fclient%3Dnews%26hl%3Den%26ie%3DUTF-8%26scoring%3Dd%26as_drrb%3Dq%26as_qdr%3Dd%26q%3Drhys%2Bmeyers%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN%26start%3D8

Кицунэ: Вельвет пишет: ААА!!! Свеженькое интервью с Мурем Сразу прошу прощения за возможные глюки: интервью машиной переведено с испанского на английский, и видок у него соответствующий. Поэтому кое-где могла наделать ляпов. Итак: Джонатан Рис Майерс 25 мая 2009, Guillermo Trejos Cob для "Puntarenas Magazine" Работа в новом фильме В 2010 году на экраны выйдет "Мария, мать Христа" – фильм, в основу которого положена библейская история. Джонатан Рис Майерс сыграет в нем архангела Гавриила и Люцифера. В центре эпика будет находиться история Марии – ее воплотит на экране актриса Камилла Белль. В съемках также примет участие Питер О'Тул и, возможно, Джессика Лэнг и Аль Пачино. "Metro Goldwin Meyer" планирует выпустить фильм в апреле следующего года, в Страстную Пятницу. Он вновь погружен в работу После нескольких дней лечения вновь в строю У этого великолепного актера были проблемы с алкоголем. На его счету не один скандал, устроенный в пьяном виде. По этой причине с 2005 года он трижды проходил лечение в реабилитационные клиниках. В первый день марта этого года он обратился в один из таких центров по собственной инициативе. Через две недели он выписался, и теперь старается занять себя работой, чтобы восстановиться как можно скорей. Успех сопутствует Джонатану с тех пор, как он сыграл порочного и соблазнительного убийцу в фильме "Матч Пойнт". Сегодня он является лицом мужского аромата от "Hugo Boss". Предполагается, что каждый раз, выходя из дома, вы должны пользоваться "Hugo". Никогда не рекламирую того, что не стал бы покупать сам. Впервые для рекламы этого аромата привлекается знаменитость. Почему, вы думаете, выбрали именно вас? Полагаю, потому, что я стараюсь предлагать смелые решения и выходить за рамки привычного. Я работаю с настоящими вольнодумцами. Мой образ соответствует их замыслам, так что вполне понятно, почему марка "Hugo Boss", известная своеим свободным и независимым духом, искала кого-то вроде меня. "Hugo" пахнет дерзостью. А что для вас является дерзким? Я только что сыграл короля Англии. Я ирландец, и, полагаю, это большая дерзость. Марка олицетворяет образ "мужчины, ведущего здоровый образ жизни". Вы идентифицируете себя с таким героем? Да, я слежу за своим здоровьем. Рекламные кампании других марок часто делают ставку на героиновый шик и декаданс, "Hugo" же предлагает развить энергию. И это особенно привлекает меня. Существует пословица, что Ирландия – страна картофеля. (Смеется) И это правда! Я вырос на вареной картошке. Он смеется сейчас, но детство Джонатана Рис Майерса складывалось непросто. Ходят слухи, что родители отдавали маленького Джонатана в сиротский приют, хотя сам актер утверждает, что эта история не более, чем вымысел. В любом случае, после развода родителей Джонатан рос на улицах рабочего квартала, был исключен из католической школы и до 16 лет был неприкаянным подростком. Пока в один прекрасный день в местном бассейне не был замечен кастинг-агентом. Несколькими месяцами позже он снялся в своей первой рекламе – рекламе супа "Knorr". в кино он дебютировал в роли убийцы в "Майкле Коллинзе", затем сыграл икону глэм-рока, воплотив образ Дэвида Боуи в "Velvet Goldmine", фильме Тодда Хайнса. Когда ему было всего 19, мы увидели его неотразимым, пленительным юношей в этом потрясающем фильме. (Дальше следует месиво из полупереваренных переводческой машиной слов, в котором я так и не разобралась. Типа того, что фильм называли гадостью, но все рвались посмотреть – Кицунэ). Вы старались сломать этот стереотип андрогинного актера? Каждый раз, когда у вас появляется новая идея о самом себе, вы воплощаете ее. Так было и со мной в "Velvet Goldmine", фильме, которому потребовалась вся моя андрогинность. После него меня завалили предложениями аналогичных ролей, но мне не было интересно повторять самого себя. Я снялся в "Играй как Бекхэм", где сыграл обычного "соседского парня". Всегда нужно двигаться вперед. Для меня очень важно развиваться и делать нечто новое. Нелегко получать серьезные роли, когда вам двадцать с небольшим – вы уже не подросток, но еще и не взрослый мужчина. Я убежден, что ни один актер не достигает своих лучших ролей раньше, чем в возрасте тридцати с лишним лет. Именно к этому возрасту учишься обращать весь свой опыт на благо фильма. Я могу назвать, например, Хью Джекмана и Джорджа Клуни, которые стали известны только после тридцати. "Матч Пойнт" стал переломным моментом в вашей карьере, как и подразумевает название фильма. Работа с Вуди Алленом всегда апеллирует к профессионализму актеров. Этот фильм был очень успешным и очень необычным в своем роде, он позволил мне проявить мои лучшие актерские качества. Именно такие работы побуждают людей говорить: "Да, я хочу видеть этого парня в моем фильме". Или, в моем случае, в кампании. Вы также принимаете участие в рекламной кампании "Versace", символа роскоши в мире моды. Вы думаете, что можете воплотить два разных образа в одно и то же время? Конечно. Если в качестве актера я могу играть самые разные характеры, то и в качестве лица рекламной кампании тоже. Я был заинтересован в работе с "Hugo", поскольку марка символизирует независимость, свободу мышления, яркость и смелость. И декадентский шик "Versace" прекрасно оттеняет этот образ. Это просто две стороны моей личности. Хорошо известно, что что Донателла Версаче окружена кольцом охраны, даже на частных вечеринках. Вас пускают внутрь этого круга? (Улыбается) Конечно. Телохранители – более разумные люди, чем о них обычно думают. В круг Донателлы не попадают те, кого она сама не хотела бы видеть. Вы всегда избегаете публичности. Вы боитесь заболеть звездной болезнью? Я никогда не считал, что моя жизнь должна быть гламурной, но когда я оказываюсь в подобных ситуациях я чуствую себя спокойно. Это не имеет ничего общего с моим образом жизни. Я спокойно могу выскочить в магазин на углу, чтобы купить молока, и это нормально. Вообразите, что за вами начинают следовать толпы поклонников, у вас появляются огромные счета в банках, как только вы становитесь популярным человеком, актрисой, моделью… И вы забываете, чем являетесь на самом деле, теряете связь с обычными людьми, которые каждый день ездят в автобусах. Если бы такое произошло со мной, люди вряд ли ходили бы в кино на мои фильмы или покупали аромат, который я представляю. Однако на кузовах этих автобусов вполне может красоваться ваше лицо. И прекрасно! Если меня узнают, и я ассоциируюсь с парфюмом, значит, я честно заработал эти деньги. Почему вы думаете, что знаменитости легче, чем модели, представлять продукцию мира моды и красоты? Очень трудно связать продукт со стилем жизни самой модели. Участие знаменитости создает эту связь, создает чувство причастности. "Hugo" пахнет ароматом успеха, напоминая о молодом главном герое из фильма Вуде Аллена, и ароматом воодушевления, свойственном персонажу "Миссия Невыполнима III". Может ли сам факт работы "лицом фирмы" потребовать выбора определенных ролей в кино? Нет, нет. Я никогда не выбираю роли непременно положительные, – только те, которые интересно играть. И также я не буду следовать некому образу жизни только потому, что представляю определенный товар. Вот почему я работаю с "Hugo": это не требует от меня никаких изменений, также как и я сам ничем не меняю "Hugo". Мы вполне подходим друг другу. То есть, вы не согласились бы измениться, несмотря на любые деньги? Никогда не делаю чего-либо только ради денег. Это глобальная кампания, и определенный тип аудитории узнает меня лучше. Поможет ли моей карьере в кино реклама аромата "Hugo"? Да. Имеют ли значение для рекламы "Hugo" роли, которые я недавно сыграл? Да, все взаимосвязано. Кто вдохновляет вас при создании вашего собственного стиля? Джон Гальяно, Дирк Богарт, Питер О'Тул, фильм "Леопард" Висконти, Вонг Кар Вай. Я удивлен, что вы не упомянули ни одной рок-звезды – вы сыграли так много музыкантов. Работа над "Элвисом" была для меня откровением. Чет Бэйкер, Майкл Дэвис, Джимми Хендрикс… Ни один из этих мужчин никогда не следовал определенному стилю, напротив – мода следовала за ними.


Кицунэ: Это мы все что бы без тебя делал?!!

Вельвет: Кицунэ да ладно)

Вельвет: Вот вроде старое интервью ну пусть будет) It's good to be Jonathan Rhys Meyers.The young actor has hit his stride these days.Showtime's well-received drama The Tudors returned for a second season at the end of March,and his role of Henry Vll has caught everyone's attention,again. i meet him in Manhattan's Soho.It was a rainy day,but he looked like a page from men's Vogue.And this handsome young man surely has the look of a Golden Globe winner,the Versace men's collection and the new face of Hugo. However,seeing Rhy Meyers today,one can handly relate him to the Irish baby who was born with a serious heart problem and spent the first few months in the hospital;or the little boy whose parents separated when he was just three;or the teenager who was expelled from school and ,if not encouraged by those casting agents,might never have purshed a career in acting. Question:It seems that you don't talk about acting with a sense of vocation.So what do you think of it? Rhys Meyers:I started acting at 18 because I got a lead role.I wasn't a kid going."when I grow up,i want to be an actor."So i think what drives me is I found something that I could really do by chance. The process of acting itself is simple.What makes acting difficult is...no matter how genius an actor is or how many millions of dollars he makes,looking back in his past,he will see a sea of rejection-even those who are at the top of their game.What's difficult is trying to maintain your self-confidence,even though it's constantly being torn down. Q:Are you satisfied with your own works? RM:I can't watch a performance I've done.I got a GoldenGlobe for Elvis,but I've never seen it.Sure,it's kind of satisfying when a film you're in breaks $300 at the box office and there are endless awards.But when someone comes up and says,"Hey,Isaw you in that movie.It was great!"-that;s where the real satiafaction comes in. Q:So being recongnized as a good actor is important to you? RM:Dreadfully important.The most you can hope for in your life is to be regarded as a fine actor and a good man.Anything else is a bonus. http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_60e5cbbb0100e0ui.html

Вельвет: Rex Features Jonathan Rhys Meyers has insisted that having sex with about 20 people is "not so much". Speaking about playing Henry VIII in The Tudors, he noted that his character had slept with roughly 22 people, Showbiz Spy reports. "Which is not bad, because if I go out in London on a Saturday night and I say to some handsome young dude or some handsome young girl that's standing in the club, 'How many people have you slept with this year?' [They'd say], 'Er, about 50'," he commented. "So it's not so much." He continued that Henry VIII had been much more "prudish" in real life, but added: "Sex happened and sex was very much a matter of state then." Rhys Meyers also confessed that he thought it was a "ridiculous" idea when he was asked to play the monarch. "Then I understood what they wanted," he said. "They wanted to bring a sense of history to a much younger generation."

Вельвет: Интервью вчерашнее с Робби) Спасибо Рейч с английского форума) TRANSCRIPTION OF THIS MORNING INTERVIEW Eamon: Henry the VIII I'd have been better casted for Henry the VIII Woman: Ooh brooding *Woman chuckles* JRM: Hallo JRM: Morning Woman: Morning Eamon: How did you get that role it was made for me JRM: Well I tell ya when they sent me the script and said they wanted me to play Henry VIII, I said it was ridiculous, the concept was absolutely ridiculous, that I could play Henry VIII. Then I understood what they wanted. They wanted to bring a sense of history to a much younger generation. You were never going to sell it, if you had Holbiens Henry. You had to sell it to a younger generation and this was what we wanted to do, and because of being an interpretive artist, you can only do something, that progresses the story forward. Woman: You said, I'm not going to do the whole big red beard and hair and ruffles (this was the Tudors not the Adam Ant!?!) but you said you found a portrait of him when he was younger didn't you and he had shaved his head? JRM: Yeah he did have short hair several times in his life. But look, nobody can really tell me how Henry looked, because Holbien was just a great painter. His images have sustained because it is great art. It's not what Henry looked like. Henrys father, Henry VII, had consumption, and so when he was painted he was painted so badly that Henry told Holbien "Do not make me look like I am, make me look like a King." So at this time Henry was heavily syphillitic, had lots of consumption (nit picking a bit, but consumption is another word for TB (tuberculosis), you can't have lots of it, you have it or you don't lol bless him), he had lived a very, very poor life from a health point of view. Woman: It was like the airbrushing of it's day, in a way wasn't it? JRM: Exactly. (I think he liked that analogy, he smiled very sexily there lol), Woman: Ooh I don't wanna look like that, make me look like nicer. JRM: Exactly. Eamon: I just wanna ask some of the younger viewers watching from home, has history become interesting. Is this man reaching you here? *Johnny looks bashful here* Woman: Well Julia in our kitchen she's all suddenly interested in the Tudors, she's got the box set and everything (as if that is strange, cause I have both series one and two on box set... lol), yeah she'd never mention that... Eamon: Really? Woman: But you think he was probably really a fit guy as well? (dumb question but sweet lol) JRM: Well at some point in his life, he can't have been born 300lbs, so at some point he was quite a fit guy. But you know life happensand they had a really bad diet, he drank to excess, he lived an altogether poor life. Woman: But they counteracted that with lots of sex it seems (lol) if this is to believe that this is the way the Tudors lived. JRM: Yeah well its not quite how the Tudors lived. Henry was much more prudish. Eamon: No? JRM: In history than we portrayed him in the Tudors. But you know, sex happened and sex was very much a matter of state then, who you married was very, very important who you marry now is just because you fancy them, you know or if they have got a good job. In Henrys time you married specifically to stay alive, off your country to survive so everything was a matter of state, and I've only, in the Tudors, I've only like slept with 22 people (that's more than I have slept with Johnny lol) Eamon: Is that all? (sarcastic lol) JRM: Which is not bad cause if I go out in London on a Saturday night and I'll say to some handsome young dude or handsome young girl standing in a club how many people have you slept with this year? "Oh 50" (is that the kind of question you normally ask people and would they answer honestly anyway?) *They all giggle* Eamon: A lot of people would think that you are trying to be Henry VIII in the modern day you know, with what you believe you read in the papers. JRM: Well I, well ah well not so much. (Johnny does not look comfy at all at this point) Eamon: You like to live life to the excess JRM: Well no I don't, you know I think, you know its not really, I think people kind of like to make an image of what you are compared to what you do. What I do in film work, what I do on television they like you to, like to make it as almost as if, they also like to maybe make out that you take a part of that with you, and you are a lot wilder, than you actually are and I'm probably quite a really boring guy. Eamon: *tongue in cheek* Listen mate I know all the stories, I know all about it. Now tell me this a lot of people think that you are Irish, there are a few over here saying you are one of our own as if you are English. I know that you are Irish. JRM: I'm an Irishman yes. Eamon: Are you a Dub or are you a Cork man? JRM: Ah well it's a conflict, I was born in Dublin, but I gre up in Cork. My parents are from Cork, so I have to say that I am a Corkman. Eamon: Would you? JRM: I would Eamon: I think you are going to be an American, in the future I think that's where your future is going to be. JRM: A lot of my work has been American, I live half of the time in Los Angeles and half of the time in London. They are very, very good to me over there. They are very positive people and being Irish certainly helps because they like the Irish there. But I think that if you are a good actor and you are willing to work hard and if, you are optimistic Americas a great country, land of oppotunity. Woman: Is it nice over there? JRM: Yeah it can be very nice. It's very, very peaceful, where I live in Los Angeles, I live in the hills. Eamon: You seen the fires, are you effected by the fires? JRM: Absolutely not and I was paying attention I was on the internet going "it better not be my house". Eamon: Yeah JRM: It's up in Glenn Dale Passidina? Eamon: Yeah Woman: So what's after the Tudors for you, what can we see you in next? JRM: I shall be in a film called "From Paris with Love" with John Travolta. Woman: John Travolta (said with awe) Eamon: He is one of the nicest guys. How is he coping? JRM: He's coping very well. I have spoken to him twice since the death of his son, his beautiful son who was on our set, in Paris. Jett, yeah a very nice boy and they had a very lovely relationship, they communicated through music. So depending on his mood John would play a certain song and he would play a song back and that was how they communicated. (I love that, absolutely love that) Eamon: Well I have a lot of love for John Travolta so if you do see him please do pass it on. JRM: Absolutely Eamon: The Tudors is on tonight and listen, thanks for making history very, very interesting, it's been a pleasure seeing you. JRM: Thankyou Eamon: Thank you very much indeed.

Вельвет: Свежее сегодняшнее интервью с Джонатаном "I hope I won't be like Henry" Jonathan Rhys Meyers is just finishing the last episodes of the successful historical drama The Tudors in which he plays Henry VIII. The Golden Globe winner, actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers, has the reputation of a bad boy, so he's the perfect man to play the part of the excentric Henry VIII in the greatly acclaimed show The Tudors. Regardless, he can't wait to bury Henry. "Historical series fortunately can't run forever," he says contentedly in the exclusive interview for MF DNES that he gave during the shooting of the final season, dressed in armour and wearing a mask of the cruel emperor he refused to put aside. Why are you so happy to finish the series? It's a difficult role. Really difficult. I love it, I devoted three years of my life to that part, but I have nothing more to give. Will you at least miss it? Yes and no. Imagine playing someone who constantly yells and pushes people around; someone hated by all. It's not a great feeling. I loved being Henry, but it's time to say goodbye before he becomes a complete monster. I'm sorry, but you have a weird voice. This "weird" voice, as you put it, that's not me speaking, it's Henry VIII. Particularly it's the aging Henry VIII. If I started to talk like "I do normally" (changes his voice), it'll be difficult to get back into the part. And I can't afford that, I have to be Henry again in ten minutes. So if you don't mind, I'll keep the weird voice. When you finish the shooting in the evening, do you leave the sets as Henry, or Jonathan? I live in a small house near the studios, so even when I'm done shooting, I stay in the part. It's more comfortable. Considering that the shooting lasts for 140 days, I cease being Jonathan for 140 days of a year, which is crazy. Do you at least take off the costume? Yes, I wouldn't be able to fall asleep in the stuff I'm wearing right now. Is it uncomfortable? Does it look comfortable? It's not desinged for conversations, so even sitting here and talking with you is difficult. (smiles tiredly) I thought your costumes are comfortable. That's what the producers say. They're comfortable compared to the actual clothes that people wore in the history. This outfit would've probably weighted twenty or thirty kilos back then. But still it's tough on my body which is good because it allows me to feel more like my Henry. How is he right now? His leg is basically rotting, so he's not very good; 30 years old with a progressed syphilis, cirrhosis and pretty much overweight. He's ill, so he's obnoxious. Not a happy living then, I guess... I've been through a lot when I was younger, so I can imagine what endless physical pain can do to a man. You're only more and more aggressive and mean. The pain can override the brain to such extend that you're unable to think clear. I don't think Henry did certain things because he was cruel, but because he was ill. You were told to gain weight for the part... That's fortunately in the costume designer's hands, she made a padded suit for me. But I won't be overly fat, it wouldn't seem natural. Did Henry change you? Of course, he did change me a lot. But I can't say how yet. We'll see. Will you be like him one day? I hope not. Jesus! Would you like to meet Henry? I don't believe in "those were the days" and I'm not sure I would have had the proper social status anyway, so no coming back to history, I would have probably suffered a lot. As for meeting Henry, I might be interested, but something tells me I wouldn't like him very much. When you joined the show, did you expect the success? Not at all. Nobody did, they only planned one season. When I signed on the deal, I had no idea what I signed for, I wasn't that interested. It was just money. What made you change your mind? Michael Hirst, the screenwriter. While many artists start with drafting a portrait, we started with the whole painting right away. And then there was the challenge of playing someone I didn't resemble physically at all. It confirmed it for me that stereotypes in peoples' minds never die: when people know certain someone's image, they wouldn't let you take it away from them. You can't imagine how many Henry experts showed up! That was one of the reasons I didn't believe in more than two seasons. But we did succeed after all. You know why? Instead of a boring king, we put an attractive, lively man in front of the camera. He didn't even seem like coming from a history. Why do you think people are fascinated by Henry VIII's life? The Tudors aren't the first piece about him. Because he beheaded so many women, right? (laughs) I don't know, perhaps it's the faith that came along during his reign and that even now rules the history. He certainly isn't so popular because he was a good politician. Quite on the contrary, he made many strategical mistakes in his life. I wouldn't always agree with him. You're talking about him like you know him well. Have you studied? Of course I've read a lot about him, but I don't take it too seriously - it's the winners who write the history, so you never know what the actual truth was. Nobody knows what Henry and Thomas Cromwell actually discussed when the door closed behind them. The truth belongs to the one and only moment and you have to live it, that's the only way of knowing it. And even then the truth you tell me doesn't have to be the real truth; it's only your point of view and that makes a difference. Now on a lighter note: what about women? You're said to enjoy them just as Henry did. I do. That's all? The show is criticised for too much sex. Does the sex wear you out? I don't think there's more sex on the show than there was in the history. Quite on the contrary. So no, sex on the show doesn't wear me out. (laughs) Your female co-stars have confessed to be afraid of shooting erotic scenes with you. Well they have a reason to be. Excuse me? Frankly, I have no idea why the girls care about it so much. Actresses probably feel more conscious about their body parts being on camera. Actors don't really care and I don't care at all. But it's true that a perfect body can help an actress to make career, so I understand the struggle. Was there a woman in Henry's life that he really loved? Jane Seymour. She was the true love of his life, they had a beautiful relationship. She died because of Henry; he gave her syphilis and she bled out while giving birth. Henry felt immensely guilty; Jane was the woman he wanted more than anybody else. What's next after The Tudors? I have an offer, but I haven't decided yet so I won't say anything more. What do you think of Joss Stone, the singer, who's your fourth wife on the show? As Jonathan, I'm very excited. Joss is a beautiful woman. As Henry, I'm not really interested. I didn't choose her myself, Cromwell shoved her to my court to resolve the relationship between England and the rest of Europe. It sounds harsh, but Henry never liked Anne of Cleves, he wasn't attracted to her. But that, too, is history. Joss told me you were a good singer. Me? You must be mistaken. Seriously. She said you kept singing for yourself and that you had a good voice. Don't you want to sing a duet with her? Me and Joss? (laughs) I don't think it's such a good idea. It would be like... I don't know. Have you ever seen Bob the Builder? He doesn't know what he's doing, but he's doing it. So singing with Joss is definitely a no, it would be more like rapping on my part. (rapping in Henry's voice) Is there anyone you'd like to behead like Henry did? Perhaps you for these questions? I'm kidding. But wait a second: who's so bad that I could say his name? There are many candidates, many world leaders whose heads we would be much better off without. But I'd rather not say anything, they could take it too seriously and behead me. It would be a shame, my head is still in a good shape.

Вельвет: Ещё одно интервью с Джонатаном) Jonathan Rhys Meyers: I'm a drama queen. Warning! The young star finally says the real truth. Not always nice, but very exciting. Many find him hot - Jonathan Rhys Meyers is the new beauty icon in Hollywood. Only a few dislike him - the 32-year-old's arrogance and angry fits are infamous. Now add his self-destructive addiction to alcohol and drugs. The Irish (who plays for example the king Henry VIII in The Tudors) filled the gap that the suddenly grown up country mate Colin Farrell torn apart: the group of wild and brawling Irishmen continues. One could also ask; was Meyers pushed, or better: was he dragged in? He was in rehab three times. The positive effect never lasted very long. Doesn't he want it? Or is he unable to control himself? In the INterview the actor provided an insight into his strange world: Hollywood offers many temptations. How long did your longest relationship last? Four years. Is it still going? No. Was your heart broken? Yes. Do you find it difficult to maintain a relationship? When you have to put so much into it? Yes, it is pretty difficult. What can an actor do when he's away often and for a long time? Phoning! I've learned to live with it as the time went. I'm on the road for nine years after all. I found my possibilities how to make my relationships work. Do you send flowers? (laughs) No, I'm not the sending flowers type. I'm not very romantic. You're not? What present do you give when you're about to leave home again for a long time? Yeah, a box of pralines - once in a month - is quite good when you're not there to take care of your woman. I also send orange chocolates and a season of Desperate Housewives. What if she doesn't want it? Does a tough, self-sufficient woman intimidate you? No, that doesn't intimidate me. It attracts me very much! Can we read that you're dating many of your female colleagues? I would never date an actress. It's too problematic. It's all about competition. I'm the only actress in my life. (laughs) Look at that! You're a drama queen. Aren't we all drama queens? It doesn't matter who you interview, don't let them convince you of the opposite. They're all drama queens. And that says a person who also belongs to that breed. It's weird, of course every actor has a different personality, but we're all the same in our core. I have to ask you one more time about your women. Do you prefer thin women or do you like them more curvy? Skinny women aren't my type. But I don't like fat women either. I like athletic women, women who really do sports. And you'd like to have a family with that kind of a woman later on? Yes, when I settle down. I love children. But now I don't feel ready to be a father. What I especially love about children is that they don't know how great you look. That's exactly what makes adults often very unattractive. You care so much about the way you look and what kind of impression you make. Many of your female colleagues now complain that because of their good looks, they aren't offered serious roles. That's a complete bullshit. It doesn't matter that they complain - and then change their looks for the role - they'll look good again for the red carpet. I don't even try this. I thank God for all the gifts he gave me. Honestly, how much time do you spend in front of a mirror? They always ask me this... and no, I don't get up at 6 so I could stand in front of a mirror every morning. My morning activity only includes taking a shower and praying that I have enough strength to make it through the day. Have you ever thought about a plastic surgery? I'm not against it. If it makes you feel better, if the plastic looks change you... well, why don't you go for it? For example, I'd never have Botox injected. It would completely erase my facial expressions. It didn't answer my question. Would you ever go under the scalpel? I don't think so, but of course I can't be sure. I never say never. If the science still progresses and you're unhappy with something... oh yeah! Why do you have to live with something you don't like? You only live once. You should enjoy this short time. What a reflexion. Are actors also good critics? God, no! When you're asked about a performance, suddenly you find everything "truly amazing". Nobody should ask an actor for a critique.

Вельвет: Ещё одно из новых интервью с Мурей "When it comes to fashion, most men really have no idea" The Irish actor is the face of the newest Hugo Boss campaign, "Element", in which he represents a cool, urban man. What does Jonathan Rhys Meyers find manly, why short trousers are out of question for him and how important is fashion for him, he told us in our interview. What is a modern man like? One who lives in a modern time. I mean, weren't all men modern in their respective times? Do you think masculinity is desirable? No, I just want to be myself. For me, obvious pretended masculinity is suspicious. Guys with too much testosterone and aggressivity radiate some kind of uneasiness, insecurity. Masculinity is defined by this; when you are good person, you show respect for other people and yourself. Who do you think is the true man? That's a question of perspective, and that is deceitful. If you made a survey about the most masculine man 50 years ago, many people would have voted for Rock Hudson. What do we know now? Rock Hudson was gay! That had to throw the perception of masculity for many people off the track. Another often named example is Steve McQueen, who had the image of very masculine, aggressive and hard drinking guy, a true man! That all is bullshit. I don't think you - as a true man - must drink two bottles of whiskey a day and be harsh and tough. I believe in individuality. What kind of man do you represent in this Hugo campaign? This guy between 20 and 30 years old, who works in a city and is a part of his surroundings, full of energy. Also, even if he's moving incredibly fast, he has his slower moments to find out where he is, who he is and what he accomplished. Once in a while he pauses and comes down. Where do you feel in your Element? In my job, because I'm always somebody else. Are you vain? Yes. You also make music... ... but only as a hobby. Not professionally. What music do you like the most? I play guitar and I like especially sub-Saharan blues, for example Ali Farka Touré, Salif Keita and Toumani Diabaté. If you weren't such a successful actor, in which today's band would you like to play? Broken Social Scene. I've never heard that name before. That's why I'd love to play in it. No, seriously, it's a Canadian band. You could surely find them on the internet. What do men like about music? Girls! It's this easy. When men dream about becoming rock stars, it's rarely about their love for music. Much more often it's about wearing cool clothes, standing on stage and going out with thin models. Eric Clapton once said: "Yes, music was also important, but actually it was all about being able to have girls." It's all about sex! In the movie "Almost Famous" the leader of the band, played by Jason Lee, said, I think when he gave the interview, greasing his hair: "You know, it's about music, man, and about money and broads and houses - and broads, it's about the buzz and - about broads!" He always came back to the core of the thing. Men love sex. And the more successful, famous and mighty you get, the better and more frequent sex becomes! You are both an actor and a musician: what gets the girls more? I am not a musician! But honestly, the girls don't queue for me. Or if they do, I never noticed. I feel bad for you. How is it possible? I've never been under this mad pressure like other VIPs, who never walk out of their doors because of the loud and predatory papparazzi. I don't date any famous Hollywood star or supermodel, that's why my life has never been a top story in any tabloid. I don't even have famous friends. My life is quite normal. Every day I go to work and come back to a hotel room in the evening. I try to stay in the city where I'm not at home. I also like to walk around these places, but that's not very often, I'm always on set. How important is fashion for you? I wear what I like and I don't care what people think about it. So probably not so important. Is there any trend that you like? No, I think people should just dress reasonably. When it comes to fashion, most men really have no idea. Do you know the label of your jacket? Yes, it's Hugo. What should clothing express about a person, in best cases? Your clothes should bring the best of out you. Actually it doesn't matter how many designer clothes or imported bags you wear. If you don't respect yourself, eat well and sleep enough, drink lots of water and go to the gym, not even a suit for $2000 will work for you. Only the suit looks good. People should work hard on making the best out of themselves. Then everything you wear looks fantastic. What would you never wear? I think for young men wearing smokings is inappropriate. You should have grey hair before wearing a smoking. I don't like it when men wear shorts and baseball caps. They look like kids. I don't like any short trousers, they don't look good on anyone. When pale men wear yellow - that's wrong in many ways. And guys who wear zirconium earrings, that try to look like diamonds, should have their ears chopped off. What if they're real diamonds? Still no, never. Let me think about what else I'd never wear... You have a whole list in your head! Oh yeah. Another no-go: flipflops. Not even on women? Only if they have beautiful feet. There's also pedicure for men. Yes, that's very fine. Should men wear flipflops after pedicure then? No, still not. If there ever will be the Day of Flipflops, then please just for women with beautiful feet. Do you prefer living in the city or on the countryside? I like both. I've grown up on a countryside but now I live in the city. I'd love to get old on the countryside, but now I like living in big cities. When is the time to come back to the countryside then? I don't know, when I'm old enough, so maybe when I'm 32? (laughs) So, when you find your first grey hair, you'll move back to the countryside in a smoking... No, seriously, maybe when I become a father. I don't want my children to grow up in a city.

Вельвет: Новое интервью с Джонатаном ЧИтайте тут http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.tele5.de/jonathan_rhys_meyers&prev=http://blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch%3Fclient%3Dnews%26hl%3Den%26ie%3DUTF-8%26scoring%3Dd%26q%3Drhys%2Bmeyers%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN&rurl=translate.google.com&twu=1&usg=ALkJrhjAz8fMw3SPyIAhbl9SJVYWuiwzVg

Вельвет: Ladies, get out your hankies. This spring, the last season of Showtime's hit series The Tudors will air. Even sadder, it's the last time we'll be seeing Jonathan Rhys Meyers in tights. Thank God he has other stuff in the works: This month [February], he stars in the action flick From Paris With Love. Oh...and if his superb acting chops and piercing baby blues weren't enough to make you fall for him, he thinks every woman deserves a pair of Louboutins. How was filming From Paris With Love? It was a blast, and it looks pretty hair-raising--of course, it's not that hair-raising when you shoot it. What's the most fearless thing you've done? I play intense football, which makes me fearless because you will get crushed. It's a boy thing; we get to beat our chests and get all gorillalike for a moment. What's the hottest thing a chick can wear? I think every girl should have two pairs of Christian Louboutin shoes. All you need is good shoes, a good handbag, and a good coat. What's your ideal date? I'll tell you what. My ideal first date is just not to fuck it up.

Вельвет: Вот новенькое интервью румынское It looks like the two gents have a good working relationship not only on screen from what we have seen of them in the movie clips but off screen also, these two have a good vibe about them together. I like that vibe, that chemistry, as it bodes well for the movie... am really looking forward to it now... I was worried for a while that JT would be indisposed and unlikely to be contributing to press coverage of the movie... I was worried just because I felt seeing JT would be vital for a few reasons... Firstly it is good to hear from JT after the trauma of 2009... it is a relief to hear from him, even though we did see him not long ago with a former co-star who we love as Sandy JT being there would also help Jonnys cause as should he get the support of as many of his co-workers that he possibly can so he can so he can get a very strong foothold in Hollywood with the success of this movie... He already recently got a thumbs up from Sarah Bolger and low and behold he now gets a thumbs up from John Travolta himself for his work on Matchpoint. Well Jonny has JJ Abrams and Tom Cruise and various other big names backing him up and that list will be ever growing... keep up the trend Jonny... It seems that JT had envisaged Jonny as Reese from the start although it is unclear in the interview as to what exactly was said... but what is so promising is that JT calls Jonny a natural... acting is a gift and Jonny has that gift... and JT reminds everyone of that including which is an important message to get out to those that are not familiar with the man who is hidden in plain sight. Thanks JT for helping those that do follow, watch and care about Jonny get the message out there... Also in turn lets not forget how supportive Jonny is... Jonny trumps JT with a long list of films he admires him for, "Face Off" being a particular fave of mine... but as we all know Jonny has been supporting JT since he went quiet after his sons tragic death... goes to show and support Sarah Bolgers statement that Jonny has a real care for those that he works with... Also the sign off at the end where we see Jonny says he spent time practicing his long answer, was humorous and admirable... even when taking an interview does he really practice his answers like he practices his lines, that suggests a very conscientious nature? If so it is admirable to see him take his interviews as seriously as he takes his time on set. Obviously he worries about slipping up so he goes prepared... maybe he has a tick list or notes in his head of key words perhaps?... and maybe he finds interviews as nerve wracking as I imagine a lot of people do?... its a relief to see professionals as high up in the game find them just as daunting... Its good to hear from both of them... http://www.cinemagia.ro/s...-exclusivitate-in-14598/

Вельвет: Свеженькое интервью с Мурем Jonathan Rhys Meyers, a gentle-seeming, thoughtful Irish fellow, is not who comes to mind when you think of action heroes. Which is precisely why he's in "From Paris With Love," playing James Reece, a desk jockey itching to get into the spy game, something with which loose-cannon agent Charlie Wax (John Travolta) is more than willing to assist him. Meyers, who also plays a young Henry VIII in Showtime's series "The Tudors," spoke recently about playing with guns (fake ones), working with Travolta and selling King Henry to a young audience. Question: You get to shoot guns and blow things up. Is that fun? Answer: It's grown-up fun, you know? And it's a lot of hard work to make it look that fun. That's the kind of movie it was. Even though you've got a movie that touches on a subject like a girl dying of a cocaine overdose, and terrorism, it only serves to fuel the action. In that sense, it was (fun). There was no pressure to do anything but have a good time. You have to go along with the ride. You have to kind of enjoy Wax's character and, at the same time, retain your naivete concerning Reece's character. It's fun, it's exciting to watch, but at the same time, you kind of hope that it'll all work out for the young guy. You feel he needs encouragement. He learns to be cooler as he goes along. Q: You're much smaller than Travolta, and that seems to play into the story. A: Look, I'm 5-10 and I weigh, what, 155 pounds. John's like 6-1, and he's a bulkier guy. He's got big shoulders. That did play into it. And it was interesting because it did show the youth of the guy. He's a young buck. I don't think John wanted to come in and play a young buck. . . . He's a guy coming from a different place. He kills when he has to, and he has to. Q: You always hear good things about Travolta from his co-stars. Was that your experience? A: John is one of the most gushable actors out there. It's just really easy because he is that nice a guy. He told me a funny story that he did a movie with Madeleine Stowe, and she was like, "There's no way he's going to keep up this Mr. Nice Guy act the whole 12 weeks of shooting." When it came to the end of the 12 weeks, she said, "You know, I thought the whole thing was (expletive), but actually, he's just that nice a guy." And he is. He doesn't have to try. Q: Are you surprised by "The Tudors' " success? A: Yeah. . . . I only expected it to go one season. I thought it had that much legs. It was an extraordinary sort of novelty, that you could have Henry as a young king, because you have to sell him to a 21st-century audience. You have to sell him to an audience that was into "Lost" and "Prison Break" and "Gossip Girl" and all that. You're trying to sell them period (drama). So you have to go about it in a different way. Then it became successful, and now we've got all four seasons. And the last five episodes I think I'm most proud of. . . . I really didn't let anybody else get involved. I knew what I wanted to do and I went with it. And it'll either be good or not, but the last five episodes are pretty much on me. http://www.azcentral.com/thingstodo/movies/articles/2010/02/03/20100203meyers0204.html

Вельвет: Jonathan Rhys Meyers knows Paris. A jet-setting star of TV and film with homes in his native Dublin as well as London, Los Angeles and Morocco, the 32-year-old has spent so much time in La Ville Lumiere (City of Light) that he can imitate the locals, if not pass for one. But the Paris where he filmed his new movie "From Paris With Love" wasn't the "touristy" Paris. Oh no. These were the "bad" parts of town. "Listen, they exist in any city, and if they didn't, Paris would be very boring. A museum," he declares. "The possibilities are endless in a city like Paris, possibilities for grandeur and beauty and history and art and culture. And great touristy things like the Eiffel Tower, which is also quite beautiful; Place de la Concorde, the Arc de Triomphe, the Musee D'Orsay, the Louvre. "But Paris is also places like where we filmed, in Montfermeil (east of the city), which is just like going to any ghetto in the world. Except that people go, 'Bonjour? Wassup? You lost? You like dooope? Ees cool, man! Soup- aircool!'" That said, Rhys Meyers isn't going to experience the city the way most of us would. He stayed at the four-star Hotel de Crillon (10 Place de la Concorde), one of the world's oldest luxury hotels, "an old palace where Marie Antoinette used to come take her piano lessons. Very grand, luxurious, but a little too hoity-toity for me." "I'm on the set at 5 in the morning in a track suit and big boots, and back to the hotel at 8 in the evening in the same get-up, and all these chic French ladies are in the lobby in their Chanel and Louis Vuitton. They hear there's a movie star staying there this week, and they're expecting Cary Grant. They didn't get him. "But the hotel is right in the heart of the historic city, so it wasn't like, 'What did you see in Paris?' Man, what didn't I see! It's all right next door once I got off set — the Louvre, everything!" Rhys Meyers took his meals at French producer and action auteur Luc Besson's restaurant Market, "a really cool place to hang out. And, well, I was working for Luc on the movie, after all." Though he lives in the U.S. much of the time, he polished his American accent (he plays a U.S. Embassy officer teamed up with an agent played by John Travolta) while watching American tourists. And he has some advice about how Americans might approach that next trip to Paris. "Listen, Parisians have that arrogance about them. But that's their character. So what you do to cope is raise your own arrogance level so that you can fit right in. Now I have no problem with that at all. But Americans don't think that way. … Americans abroad can be so easily offended, when you don't mean to offend them. The trick is to be just as arrogant as the French are!" He doesn't mind roughing it a bit, and we're not just talking about his tabloid exploits and a couple of ensuing trips to rehab. The movie star gig, which Rhys Meyers hastens to call "a privilege," is not all four-star hotels and French cuisine. Making "The Children of Huang Shi" (2008) in China, for instance, was "fantastically hard," because of the conditions, the hours and the fact that "Chinese food in China is vastly different from Chinese food everywhere else." But he'll go back to Paris anytime. "Well, not Montfermeil," he says. "Been there. Seen it." http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/sc-mov-0202-rhys-meyers-paris-20100204,0,6240890.story

Вельвет: Свежее интервью с Джонатаном British star Jonathan Rhys Meyers has one foot in two cultures. "I live in London and Los Angeles," says the star of "From Paris With Love," who finds his culinary pleasures in America. "The great part is if I'm filming in Mongolia and then come home to L.A., my first stop is the airport In and Out Burger." Rhys Meyers has been juggling his film and television jobs while working on the last season of his historical series "The Tudors," which will air this spring on Showtime. Will he miss playing Henry VIII? "No, he's banished from my life after the last episode airs," Rhys Meyers says. "I can't even read books by guys named Henry." In "From Paris With Love," opening Friday, Rhys Meyers plays an employee in the office of the U.S. ambassador who hooks up with an American spy (John Travolta) to stop a terrorist attack. Q. I suppose you risked life and limb to do your own stunts. A. Look, I stood around and watched the stunt guys do a lot of the running and shooting. I would say, "Are you OK?" There is something in me that just doesn't like falling down a spiral staircase. Q. What was it like on "The Tudors" to play Henry VIII's final days when he was older and ill? A. I can promise you a lot of makeup and fantastic prosthetics. He's 50 by the time I finish with him, and he's sick. But like all sick people, they try not to be sick. The rule is, if you're sick on screen don't play sick. It's like if you're an alcoholic then don't play drunk. Q. Was there ever any thought of putting on a fat suit to play Henry? A. From the start, I knew I couldn't put on that kind of weight or wear a fat suit. A fat suit is a gag. I would fall to the floor in humiliation if I would turn this into some stupid skit. Yes, Henry was large and I'm not. I'll have to send cupcakes to the 15 historians who will call in to complain when they read this. Basically, it's my job to interpret how I see history. Q. You had the gorgeous Joss Stone play Henry's very unattractive wife Anne of Cleves. Did you approve of this casting? A. The producers said Joss as Anne of Cleves and I said, "Bulls---. She's not a stinker!" But then I thought about it and decided that we're in the business to entertain people and not give them reasons to go to therapy. I thought, "Let's get an amazingly beautiful girl and tone it down." Joss is so beautiful, so this wasn't easy. In fact, she said to me, "They made me look horrible in season three. Now, I want to look beautiful for this season." Who am I to deny Joss Stone? http://www.suntimes.com/entertainment/pearlman/2025667

Вельвет: Джонатан типа подтвердил что будет у Брендана Глисона сниматься First off - let's get the name right. It's Jonathan Rhys Meyers . That's "reese," and, no, it's not a middle name - it's one long last name - and, yeah, he's been called "Rice Meyers" from time to time. But surely that's happened less as the young Irish actor has steadily made a name for himself, first gaining attention in Todd Haynes ' arty "Velvet Goldmine," then nabbing a Golden Globe for his portrayal of a young Presley in the CBS TV-movie "Elvis." Along the way, he's also appeared in "Bend It Like Beckham," "Match Point" and picked up two Golden Globe nominations for his work in Showtime 's "The Tudors," in which he plays a rather virile Henry VIII who's apparently married to a gym membership and cardio routine as much as all those wives. Now, it's "From Paris With Love," which opened Feb. 5, a buddy-action flick from producer Luc Besson and director Pierre Morel that's as rapid-fire as Edith Piaf 's vibrato. Rhys Meyers plays a naive spy trainee keeping up with bald tough guy John Travolta . He sat down recently with Newsday contributor Joseph V. Amodio at Le Parker Meridien hotel in Manhattan . Is it true you met Travolta for the first time in that first scene where your characters meet? Yeah. I'd seen him in the morning, just to say hello. I hadn't seen him in costume. He went off and got made up. And when I saw him as the character, it was the first time we stood face to face. I hear shooting an action movie is a lot more methodical than it looks. It's meant to look spontaneous and erratic, but to do that is technically very, very difficult. But we had Pierre Morel. Before he was a director, he was a and cameraman for the "Transporter" movies. So you know where he's coming from. Very fast, fearless. He makes compact movies. He doesn't like people sitting around the cinema for two and a half hours. Ninety-five minutes - you're in, you're out. The last season of "The Tudors" airs this spring. Any surprises in store? Is Henry going to learn to play nice with his wives - do the dishes, take out the trash? He takes out the trash, but it tends to be human. No . . . I play an old man. I play him at 50 years old. What was it like to age? To get your facial muscles to move under so many layers of prosthesis is hard. You have to be bigger underneath for the prosthetic to work. You've got to move big to make it look small. There's also "Shelter," where you play a guy with multiple personalities. Shot "Shelter" about a year and a half ago with Julianne Moore , and I haven't signed on to the next thing yet so I can't talk about it. [He smiles.] Is that the film with the weird title - uh . . . "At Swim" . . . ? "At Swim-Two-Birds." That's being directed by Brendan Gleeson , and it just ended up on the Internet that I'm involved - mainly because I'm Irish. "Ohh, Brendan Gleeson's making a film with Liam Neeson, Gabriel Byrne, Colin Farrell, Jonathan Rhys Meyers . . . . " Just name any famous Irish guys when you're at your computer. . . . Some little cyber-dude. Yeah, somewhere in Iowa , probably. Why is it always Iowa ? Or . . . Poughkip . . . ? Uh, Pough . . . Poughkeepsie, isn't that it? Yeah, they get a bad rap. So what's next for you? I ski when I don't shoot. I was extreme skiing in Chamonix [in France] about a week and a half ago. Extreme. Not just bunny slopes or downhill. I want to be an extreme skier. I'm not that good, but extreme skiing is what I've been working toward. Why? Well, because it's just so beautiful up there. That's where the magic happens - up the mountains. What's it like to be up that high? Spiritual? No. It's just - the world looks different from up there. Are you worried at all about breaking your neck? Yeah. It scares me. Skiing scares me. But I like it. I love the environment of it - the air, the geography, and the adrenaline rush, the grace of skiing. And, yeah, it is difficult, no doubt about it - heights do scare me. But why should something that frightens me stop me from doing what I really like? Otherwise, I'd never be in a movie. C'mon, when you're in a movie, the potential for embarrassment is endless. http://mobile.newsday.com/inf/infomo?site=newsday&view=entertainment_item&feed:a=newsday_10min&feed:c=entertainment&feed:i=1.1742095&nopaging=1

Вельвет: Свеженькое интервью As King Henry VIII, Jonathan Rhys Meyers gets a lot of action on The Tudors, but in the actor's latest film, From Paris With Love, he gets to stretch the action muscles he never knew he had -- shooting at terrorists, dodging bullets, and running around with a coke-filled vase. That's because his character, James Reece, who's long dreamed of becoming an undercover agent, finally gets a shot, though he's in way over his head. Rhys Meyers says that Reece only wishes he were James Bond. Q: What was it like shooting in Paris? A: Paris is the most beautiful city in the world, but I wanted to see the Paris that you don't usually get to see. I was staying at the Hôtel de Crillon, which is a beautiful hotel, where Marie Antoinette learned to play the piano, and it's an elegant living museum. But I walk out on the Place de la Concorde, and I see the Paris that everybody dreams of, and I also see the Paris that is the living nightmare that happens in any First World country: tons of people from different cultures trying to make a life. I wasn't the tourist coming in and going to the Champs-Élysées or going to Ladurée and having macaroons. I was going out to these areas where people actually live. It made it a real city to me, not just a Disneyland fantasy. Q: Your scene with John Travolta is in the Charles de Gaulle airport. That was the first time you two met? A: I was shooting The Tudors on a Tuesday. I arrived in Paris on a Wednesday, and that was the first time we faced each other on-screen, when I busted him out of the customs office. I've seen John Travolta in many films, but I haven't seen him like that. My character has dreamed of what it would be like, the undercover life, and he expects a worldly, sophisticated James Bond-type. But what he gets is a biker boy. And he's shocked. And John's character loves that. He enjoys the naïveté that James Reece has; he enjoys seeing him confused. Q: Is that the basis of their chemistry? A: It's a buddy relationship, but it's more of a mentor-student relationship, and there's no better way of training him than by throwing him in at the deep end. But it's all about their energy, and the moments they share, which are better than any explosion. I think it's chemistry that makes a classic action film -- if the characters like each other. Why does Lethal Weapon work? Because it's Mel Gibson and Danny Glover. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid -- would that have been the same movie with Robert Redford and Warren Beatty? Q: You get to skip out on a chunk of the action because you're carrying the vase of cocaine. A: And I accidentally dropped it, running on those steel stairs! I dropped the vase, and I went, "Oh f-ck, the coke!" I had to go all the way back up and do that scene again. The vase became a teddy bear, a blanket, to me, and I felt sad when I had to drop it for the other scene, because it had been my buddy, protecting me from the whole world, this vase of marching powder. Q: How difficult was it to speak Mandarin in some of those scenes? A: I did a film called The Children of Huang Shi, in which I had to speak Mandarin and Japanese, so I had already sort of been involved in that language. Actually, the girl who plays the prostitute that I walk in on with the German guy, she's the girl who taught me how to speak Chinese. I asked the guy whom I was speaking to if he understood me, and he said yes. So that was okay. But that was level two. If I were level eight at Cambridge, I would have been a disgrace. Q: Your character falls for a woman, but later on he realizes he knows nothing about her. A: It's like, how much do you know about your partner, really? He knows that she makes dresses, but he's a naïve guy. Pierre Morel [the director] and Luc Besson [the writer] know that this guy will go for this girl and he will go for her blindly, because of the beauty, the charm, the elegance, and living in Paris, because that's the dream. And that will all sort of divert him from what's actually happening. I think it's a great ruse. If you want to hide something, hide it in plain sight. Q: So it's about blind faith in more than one way. A: For my character, I'm willing to ignore a lot of things because of love. For her character, she's willing to blow herself up. Whether its love of religion or love for a human being, it's about love, and it's the relationships. Everything that happens in war or terrorism comes down to human choices, human emotions -- whether it's a father who loses a son or a wife who loses a husband. It all comes down to individual stories. http://blogs.amctv.com/movie-news/2010/02/jonathan-rhys-meyers-interview.php

Вельвет: Свежайшее интервью с Джонатаном Contrary to what Medieval Times employees might tell you (before the jousting, and after the appetizers), kings aren’t born, they’re made—and Jonathan Rhys Meyers is no stranger to the coronation, having already been anointed twice. As the King of (Stolen) Rock ’n’ Roll in 2005’s TV movie Elvis and as England’s Henry VIII on Showtime’s hit The Tudors, Meyers learned that rulers grow into power, expectations, and even their own skin. In fact, the 30-year-old Ireland native has done all three since splashing off in the 1996 biopic Michael Collins. Labeled “pretty” as a youth, Meyers spent his teens and much of his twenties portraying weak, physically androgynous, and sexually ambiguous characters that ranged from bisexual rocker to tortured male rape victim to Alexander the Great’s bitchy lover. In 2004, Meyers began bulking up to nab more commanding roles. After stepping into Elvis’s blue suede shoes—and winning a 2006 Golden Globe for it—he lived out your fantasies by catching Scarlett (Johansson) fever in Woody Allen’s Match Point. Then this past January, he manned up his damn self by going into rehab for alcoholism…and then doing it again in April. (Um, isn’t that called being Irish? We kid, we kid. Cheers!) Clear-headed, Meyers is now preparing for the November premieres of The Tudors’ second season and the romantic drama August Rush. Complex got down with the king to talk about sobriety, the difference between celebrity and real royalty, and keeping it in your pants…at least on-set. Complex: August Rush isn’t the first film you’ve sung in. What do you think when you hear yourself sing? Jonathan Rhys Meyers: Oh, it’s dreadful. We don’t even have to continue with the question. I’m absolutely horrified and stunned that I could shame myself so much. I don’t like listening to myself speak. Really? Jonathan Rhys Meyers: At this point in my career I don’t mind watching myself on camera; I’ve come to terms with my flaws. When I first started watching myself on camera I wasn’t happy, and yes, I’m still not happy, but it’s not with how I am physically but more with performance things. But I still don’t like listening to my own voice—it’s never quite convincing. How did having an absent musician father inform your August Rush role—a musician separated from his son at infancy? Jonathan Rhys Meyers: I’m sure, in retrospect, it had some effect because my father wasn’t there, but I don’t think I searched into that to play the character. Did the parallels make it an emotionally taxing role? Jonathan Rhys Meyers: Oh, no, no. It was emotionally taxing because films are. The Tudors got an Emmy nomination for outstanding casting, but none of the cast was recognized. Do you wish you could have the nominations committee beheaded? Jonathan Rhys Meyers: You’ve got to be realistic about awards because if you think you’re so deserving of them, then you’re probably not. Maybe it wasn’t my turn. I haven’t done enough yet; James Gandolfini, Kiefer Sutherland, Denis Leary, and James Spader, these are guys who have put in big time. Is it true Snoop Dogg is a fan of The Tudors? Jonathan Rhys Meyers: I was told that. I’m a fan of his, so that’s really cool. I can just imagine Snoop being into this because it’s about the rise to power, about being a king. Paying the cost to be the boss. [Laughs.] Sharp reference. Do you feel a kinship with Henry VIII? Jonathan Rhys Meyers: Well, we don’t really have much in common. That’s one of the hardest parts of playing Henry VIII. Being born into royalty, you have an energy. You didn’t have to achieve power, it was given by birth. That’s something extraordinary. Unless you know what that’s like, you don’t know what that’s like. Everything that I’ve earned in my life I’ve had to earn because I wasn’t born a king. So to get into the mentality that every good thing that happens to you, every bit of wealth, every palace, every horse that you own, every woman you bed, you deserve, just by your birth, that’s quite an extraordinary thing. http://www.complex.com/CELEBRITIES/Cover-Story/Jonathan-Rhys-Meyers

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