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Вельвет: Сюда пишем новости о Джонатане)

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Вельвет: Новая роль-камео Джонатана

Вельвет: ДРМ в Керри

Вельвет: Джонатан рассказал о своей первой любви "Это была девушка из Дублина. Я влюбился в неё с первого взгляда. Я почувствовал как будто меня нокаутировали, когда увидел её. Небо было голубое, хотя и шел дождь. Я влюбился. Но она вышла за другого. Очень счастлива сейчас. Я не уверен что был бы ей хорошей парой, а вот со своим мужем они на самом деле счастливая пара." http://www.okmagazine.com/posts/view/2829/

Вельвет: Дожили. Джосс Стоун будет играть в новом сезоне Тюдоров Анну Клевскую- четвертую жену Генриха. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/hr/content_display/news/e3ifa16f485c81d0f2a51e331d9d2037133

Вельвет: Джонатан поддерживает "HOPE"

Вельвет: Тюдоров номинировали на премию GEMINI

Вельвет: Статья о съемках Тюдоров в Дублине http://jonathanforever.ucoz.ru/publ/1-1-0-5

Вельвет: Ирландский актер- Джонатан Рис-Майерс будет гостем в новом сезоне программы Late Late Show в эту Пятницу http://jonathanforever.ucoz.ru/news/2008-09-03-33

Вельвет: На прошлой неделе Джонатан получил награду Колледжа Тринити. http://jonathanforever.ucoz.ru/news/2008-09-21-36

Лэйли: Браво!!!

Вельвет: Рассуждения о том, что на самом-то деле Генрих Восьмой толстый был http://jonathanforever.ucoz.ru/news/2008-09-21-37

Вельвет: Рис-Майерс уходит из Тюдоров Джонатан Рис-Майерс планирует снять корону и покинуть популярный сериал Тюдоры. Несмотря на то, что шоу сопутствует большой успех, актер из КОрка досниметься в нынешних эпизодах , но это будут последние эпизоды с его участием. Источник близкий к звезде сказал - Джонатан решил закончить сниматься в Тюдорах. В будущем сезоне он будет, а в последующих за ним уже нет. "Ему на самом деле нравиться играть играть Генриха VIII и сниматься в Ирландии, но сейчас он понял что пришло время уйти. Голливудская звезда сейчас направляеться в Париж для съемок в своем новом проекте From Paris With Love, где он будет сниматься с Джоном Траволтой. Наш источник сообщает - Джонатан в восторге, потому что ему досталась главная роль. Его роль гораздо больше чем роль Траволты и это было для него замечательной новостью.Он настроен решительно и ничто его не остановит. Он будет находиться в Париже следующие 11 недель, пока фильм будет сниматься. И с 55-миллионным бюджетом и сценарием , рассказывающем о работнике посольства и американском секретном агенте, которому надо выполнить рискованную миссию, фильм вполне может стать хитом. Певица Джосс Стоун дебютирует в третьем сезоне сериала и будет играть Анну Клевскую. И пока знаменитая пара будет изображать на экранах любовь , за камерой любви не будет потому что Джонатан постоянно говорит о своей любви к давней подруге - Рине Хаммер http://jonathanforever.ucoz.ru/news/2008-09-30-39

Вельвет: Сообщается, что за несколько дней до церемонии награждения "Academy Awards" (Оскар) трое знаменитых актеров-уроженцев Ирландии будут награждены. Колин Фаррелл, Брендан Глисон и Джонатан Рис-Майерс будут отмечены за их вклад в индустрию на пред-Оскаровской вечеринке, подготовкой которой занимается US-Ireland Alliance. Оскар Уайлд ежегодно: Награждение ирландцев в кино собирает вместе лидеров ирландских и американских фильмов, музыки и индустрии развлечений, в то время как звезды усердно готовятся к престижной церемонии награждения. Церемония будет проведена 19 Февраля 2009 года в Лос-Анджелессе в Wilshire Ebell http://jonathanforever.ucoz.ru/news/2008-10-10-42

Лэйли: Молодец!!! Он заслужил это!

Вельвет: Самые сексуальные мужчины по версии Cosmopolitan. ФОТО ТВ Журнал Cosmopolitan составил рейтинг под названием «Самый сексуальный мужчина в мире». Безоговорочную победу одержал Джонни Депп, который в свои 45 лет дает фору многим молоденьким мальчикам. На втором месте - 47-летний Джордж Клуни, который берет бездной обаяния и холостым образом жизни. Замыкает тройку мужчина помоложе - 27-летний Джейк Джилленхаал, чьи ставки невероятно выросли в связи с романом с Риз Уизерспун и весьма соблазнительным видом для роли принца Персии. Джейк - единственный молодой представитель сильной половины человечества в пятерке лидеров: на четвертом месте - 40-летний Дэниел Крэйг, на пятом - 44-летний Брэд Питт, пишет «Starslife.ru». Топ-25 самых горячих мужчина планеты таков: 1. Джонни Депп, 45 2. Джордж Клуни, 47 3. Джейк Джилленхаал, 27 4. Дэниел Крэйг, 40 5. Брэд Питт, 44 6. Джеймс МакЭвой, 29 7. Джастин Тимберлейк, 27 8. Уилл Смит, 40 9. Дэвид Бeкхэм, 33 10. Вентворф Миллер, 36 11. Кристиан Бейл, 34 12. Джонатан Риз-Майерс, 31 13. Участники группы "Take That": Гари Барлоу, 37, Марк Оуэн, 36, Говард Дональд, 40 и Джейсон Оранж, 38 14. Эштон Катчер, 30 15. Дермонт О'Лири, 35 16. Дэвид Теннант, 37 17. Патрик Демпси, 42 18. Клайв Оуэн, 44 19. Пирс Броснан, 55 20. Марк Ронсон, 33 21. Гордон Рэмси, 41 22. Рассел Брэнд, 33 23. Фаррел Уильямс, 35 24. Райан Рейнольдс, 31 25. Оливье Мартинес, 42 http://afisha.mail.ru/article.html?id=16467

Вельвет: Нашла пару интересных статей Ardmore Studios Presents Three Restored Titles to Irish Archive 23 Oct 2008 | For the 50th anniversary celebrations of Ardmore Studios, Jonathan Rhys Meyers (The Tudors), Kevin Moriarty (Managing Director of Ardmore Studios) and Morgan O’Sullivan (Tudors Series Executive Producer) presented three films produced in the early years of the studios to the Irish Film Archive. Two of the feature films - ‘Sally’s Irish Rogue’, ‘This Other Eden’ and have until recently been locked in British and American archive vaults and will screen in the coming weeks at the IFI. With the support of Ardmore Studios and Managing Director Kevin Moriarty, the films have been found, restored and are repatriated for presentation and preservation in the Irish Film Archive. ‘Home is the Hero’ was donated to the Archive by Vincent Dowling and this will be the first screening of the restored 35mm print funded by the Hertiage Council. Kasandra O’Connell, Head of the Irish Film Archive at the IFI said: “The restoration and repatriation of these early Ardmore productions is a fitting way to celebrate the studios' 50 year heritage. The Irish Film Archive is pleased to be able to add these films to the National film collection and we are honoured that Minister Cullen will be joining us as we pay tribute to the legacy of Ardmore.” ‘Home is the Hero’ was the first film to go into production in the newly formed Ardmore Studios. Directed by American Fielder Cook, the script is by Henry Keating from the 1952 stage play of the same name by Walter Macken. ‘Home is the Hero’ tells the story of Paddo O’Reilly (beautifully played by Macken himself), ‘the Goliath of Galway’, who is released from prison after a five-year conviction for killing the father of his son’s girlfriend, and his attempts to re-establish his role as head of the family, entering into conflict with his wife Daylia (Eileen Crowe), his daughter, Josie (Joan O’Hara), and his assertive son Willie (played by Arthur Kennedy). The IFI is delighted to announce that the screening will be introduced by Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism, Martin Cullen, T.D. The first Ardmore film production to be released in cinemas, ‘Sally’s Irish Rogue’ received its world premiere at the 1958 Cork Film Festival. Based on the George Shiels stage play The New Gossoon, and directed by George Pollock, it was one of the few Irish-made films of the 1950s to get an American release, probably due to the popularity at the time of its star Julie Harris. Harris (the Sally of the title) is engaged to the roguish, restless Luke (Tim Seely) who is more interested in motorcycles and other women than in settling down or the farm he is about to inherit. This film was digitally re-mastered from elements preserved at the British Film Institute. The first Irish feature to be directed by a woman - Muriel Box, ‘This Other Eden’ is a caustic comedy set in 1945 where the erection of a statue of patriot martyr Jack Carberry creates problems in a small town. The film explores the traumatic legacy of the Civil War, and in particular the impact of the death of Michael Collins on successive generations. Given that the producer Emmet Dalton was with Collins the day he was shot, some critics have speculated that this film was an attempt to redress, even rewrite the history of that time. However, with a fine supporting cast of Abbey players and star turns from Milo O’Shea and Hilton Edwards, ‘This Other Eden’ is not just a critique of the past but a witty and complex comment on an emergent modern Ireland. This film was digitally re-mastered from elements preserved at the British Film Institute. The screening times at the IFI are as follows; ‘Home is the Hero’ (1959) 29 October, 6.30pm (82 mins) ’Sally’s Irish Rogue’ (1958) 26 November, 6.30pm (74 mins) ’This Other Eden’ (1959) 17 December, 6.30pm (80 mins) http://www.iftn.ie/?act1=record&only=1&aid=73&rid=4281626&tpl=archnews

Вельвет: Film credits Colin Randall Last Updated: October 22. 2008 10:45AM UAE / October 22. 2008 6:45AM GMT Navigating a route through the seemingly town-sized expanse of the Emirates Palace hotel, I was soon reminded that when it comes to film festivals, I am the outsider. After spending much of her working life in cinema, my wife was always going to bump into people she knew, people who knew one of our daughters – a film publicist – or people who shared her intimate knowledge of other big events on the film calendar. I have walked the red carpet at Cannes, but only as her guest. (I also walked the red carpet in Abu Dhabi, but only because I was drawn into the slipstream of the Antonio Banderas entourage.) When I muttered about delays at the accreditation desk or box office, I was told: “This is orderly and calm compared with the Croisette.” And of course, everyone in the family knows a great deal more about the movies themselves. The last time we all went to the cinema together was for Bend It Like Beckham. Studying the knowing expressions on their faces was like watching beings from another planet. My wife knew the director, Gurinder Chadha, and had once been called upon to chaperone one of the stars, Keira Knightley. The character of Knightley’s screen mother, who grandly disapproved of her daughter’s passion for football, was played by Juliet Stevenson but modelled on my wife’s closest colleague. Our elder daughter had worked with Jonathan Rhys Meyers, who played the girls’ coach. For once, I could not even turn to my younger daughter Nathalie for solidarity. Normally, our own footballing interests make us soulmates within the tribe. But Chadha had chosen, for action sequences, the Queen’s Park Rangers ladies’ team, to which Nathalie belonged. Although she joined only after the film was shot, she knew all the players. Nathalie also made me eat my words when I harrumphed that the film, while oozing feel-good therapy, relied on a thoroughly unbelievable storyline: brilliant female footballers spotted by a visiting US coach and whisked off for football – sorry, saw-ker – scholarships in America. A few months later, I watched Nathalie playing for QPR against a touring team from Vermont. As I arrived, late, she was buried beneath a pile of teammates congratulating her on a goal comparable with the screamer scored by Knightley’s Bend It Like Beckham co-star, Parminder Nagra. Like that one, it was a matchwinner. Next morning, Nathalie casually mentioned that the Americans were so impressed that they had talked of offering her a saw-ker scholarship. Life in the end failed to imitate art; the approach came to nothing. Nathalie retorted she hadn’t really wanted to go anyway. But the experience had delivered something else: confirmation from the second least showbizzy part of the family that when it came to anything related to film, Dad – known more for falling asleep at the cinema than for his expert knowledge of Hollywood or Bollywood – would struggle to make the substitutes’ bench. http://www.thenational.ae/article/20081022/LIFE/386333757/-1/SPORT

Вельвет: Youngsters aged 11 and 14 vie for best actress at Gemini Awards 1 day ago TORONTO — Jonathan Rhys Meyers' sexy historical series "The Tudors" is poised to rule at the Gemini Awards this week, with the regal TV drama about King Henry VIII heading into the ceremony with four trophies already under its belt and boasting nominations for three more. Former "90210" hunk Jason Priestley hosts Friday's glitzy gala, honouring the best in Canadian drama, variety and comedy TV, while current "90210" star Shenae Grimes is set to appear as one of the presenters. Amid the seasoned star power will be two youngsters vying for the title of best actress: 11-year-old Rachel Marcus and 14-year-old Jordy Benattar. The kids are up against industry veterans Megan Follows, Natasha Henstridge and Erica Durance, but say the formidable competition has done nothing to diminish excitement for their first big Geminis bash. "I'm so excited, I'm a little bit overwhelmed," says Marcus, nominated for her starring turn in the made-for-TV movie "Booky and the Secret Santa," which aired last year on CBC. The lead role was the first that Marcus had ever landed - and she snagged it in the first audition she ever went to. She admitted to feeling intimidated at casting calls, noting that many young actors seem mature beyond their years. "A lot of kids that I meet have been doing this for a long time, and I just feel so new at it compared to them," says Marcus, who plays a girl whose family struggles financially during the holidays in Depression-era Toronto. Follows plays her mother. "Some people have been doing it since they were two or four, and I just started." Her rival Benattar is one of those veteran child stars. Though only 14, Benattar has more than a decade in the business, starting out in commercials at age three and graduating to feature films by age five. "I'm a little bit beyond my years, I have a bit of an old soul," admits Benattar, who turns 15 on Wednesday. The bubbly teen is nominated for her portrayal of a girl whose grandfather (played by Tom Bosley) is dying in the TV tear-jerker "Charlie and Me," which aired on the Hallmark Channel. Previous roles have included the feature film "The Spiderwick Chronicles" and TV movies including "A Very Married Christmas," with Joe Mantegna, and "Fallen Angel," with Gary Sinise and Gordon Pinsent. "Every time I do a film it's like falling in love with acting all over again," Benattar says of her burgeoning resume. "It's the one time where you get to play someone else that you're not, and it's not like you're pretending to be someone else because you're lying about it, because that's your job. You're here to portray another character and I think that's so much fun." The best actor category includes nominations for Nicholas Campbell, Michael Eisner, Ben Bass, David Fox, Henry Czerny and Brian Markinson. But the bulk of the Gemini Awards were handed out last month in a private ceremony that crowned "The Tudors" and the miniseries "The Englishman's Boy" as early leaders with four trophies each. "The Englishman's Boy" is up for two more awards, including best miniseries and best actor. Meanwhile, the gritty cable drama "Durham County" is up for four trophies, after winning two already. It's up for best drama against "The Tudors," "The Border," "Intelligence" and "Murdoch Mysteries." The awards show returns to Toronto after touring in previous years to other cities. Last year's bash was held in Regina, and the previous year it was in Vancouver. The Geminis will be televised on E and Showcase. Check local listings for show times http://www.google.com/hostednews/canadianpress/article/ALeqM5guHOGqLkrogN3-sq0cSBpH84fmQg

Вельвет: Kevin Moriarty, managing director, ardmore studios, on meeting the tudors star Jonathan Rhys Meyers "I don't have heroes but I've been very impressed with Jonathan Rhys Meyers and how unassuming and genuine he is for a young star. I have seen him go around a room and shake hands with people and then introduce himself as Jonathan, even though every one in the room is fully aware of who he is. It's not false modesty, you learn to spot that a mile off, it's a real warmth. The actors who work in Ardmore are under a lot of pressure -- you don't intrude on their working hours. I have seen Jonathan make time for people, show courtesy when under a lot of pressure. He has won an Emmy for Elvis and appeared in Woody Allen's film Match Point, and has had considerable success with The Tudors. I respect how grounded he has remained, how he doesn't appear to have bought his own press, and how as a talented and very busy young star, he continues to give generously of his time." http://www.herald.ie/entertainment/hq/did-you-ever-know-that-youre-my-hero-1563291.html

Вельвет: Rhys Meyers drops Tudor frills for modern action flick Irish actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers has returned to big Hollywood films after his time on period drama The Tudors. The 31-year-old Corkman is back in the big time starring alongside Hollywood legend John Travolta (54) in a new thriller. The actor is pictured here on the set of From Paris with Love, which is due for release next year. Long gone are his 16th century costumes and jewels, as the actor makes a return to a movie set in this decade. A blood-spattered Rhys Meyers is in the thick of the action in the thriller hurling a bag with what looks like explosives and wiring attached out a window alongside a bald John Travolta. The Pulp Fiction actor is transformed, with no hair on his head and a dark black beard. The duo are filming the movie in Poissy, a commune in the western suburbs of Paris. When filming in France is wrapped up, Rhys Meyers will be heading to China to the set of another Hollywood drama, Mandrake. But veteran star Travolta has outdone the young Irishman with several film projects lined up for the new year. http://www.herald.ie/entertainment/around-town/rhys-meyers-drops-tudor-frills-for-modern-action-flick-1580868.html

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